Thomas is taken

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The next day
???: it looks like Alastor and his little  hore are going to be gone for the weekend perfect now is the time to strike.
???: I love it when you get all demanding vox it sends a shiver down my spin baby.
???: is that all you can think about Val we are about to stick it at the radio demon where it hurts most and your obsessed with how dominant vox is( times away on her cell)
Val: o shut up vel I can do what I want.
Vox: can we get back to what we are doing stop getting off subject.
Val and Vel give each other the evil eye then turn to vox
Val: what is the plan my voxy
Vox: well you heard that Alastor and Yn are gone so that just leave those hazbin at the hotel to dell with. So what our plan is to get into the hotel and take there little baby from them.
Vel: and how do we get in you know Al probably as that place protected even though he is away.
Vox: that's easy Val you call Angle have him come in for a shoot and was will call that princess Morningstar tell her come out for a meeting with some people who are interested in becoming redeemed.
Val: ya but that leaves the little bug the snake and the flying cat.
Vox: if we can't handle those three then what kind of overlords are we and we will have someone to help destruct them while I get the kid so shale we get going.
Val and Vel: yes let go.
Back at the hotel
Angle: um yes Val I will be there right away yes sir yes sir(hangs up) sigh I have to go Val wants me for a shoot I should be back later (hand Thomas to husk and walks out the door)
Husk is holding Thomas
Charlie cell rings
Charlie: hello yes yes ok we will be right there( hanged up her cell) Vaggie we have some people interested in being redeemed they what to speak with us person so we can explain what we are doing here come on let's go.
Vaggie: ok Charlie ( starts to walk away with Charlie)
Charlie: husk we will be back in a few hours are you ok with watching Thomas.
Husk: ya ya I got it (holds Thomas close to him) now go.
Charlie: ok bye
Sir pin: what was all that about first angle then the girl both got call to go away something smells fishy.
Husk: you need to relax man nothing is going on.
20 mins later
Glass broke
Husk, Niffty and sir pin all here the noise.
Nifty: what was that?
All go look and see what is is while Thomas sleepers in his playpen.
They walk to the front door and see that the glass has been broken.
Nifty: my windows (sad )
Sir pin: you see I told you something fish was going on.
Husk: ok but it's just a broken window they are old maybe it just gave out.
Nifty looks on the floor and finds a can.
Nifty: what is this?( showed the boy and then)
The can pops releasing a sleep gas.
Sir pin: i... yawn told.. yawn you out.
Nifty: what.. yawn is ... happening out.
Husk:(runs to out from the front door to get Thomas from his pine to keep him close)this .. is .. not yawn happening.
Husks eyes slowly close but he sees someone or three someone's.
???: o but it is happening thank you for getting us the baby now we will be taking that.
Vox grabs for the baby but.
Husk: keep you yawn f**king hands off of him slowly looses his grip on Thomas.
Vox Val and Vel all laugh
Val: he is a fighter is he not to bad your on the wrong side.
Vox takes Thomas and hands him to Val
Vox leans down to husk and says
Vox: this is what Alastor get for messing with me( and walks away)
Vox, Val, Vel and Thomas leave the hotel to go to there tower
Back at the hotel
Husk is still barely awake he reaches for the phone and calls Yn to tell them what has happened.
Back with Alastor and Yn
Yn wakes up felling there cell vibrate as they reach for the cell
Alastor: how ever it is can wait in told them not to bother us while we are gone.
Yn: ya but it must be real important for them to call.
Alastor wraps his arm around Yn pulls them in so he can hear the caller to.
Yn: hello? Hello?
???: come home yawn big trouble yawn Thomas taken bam .....
Yn: what hello hello? Alastor
Alastor is already dressed and ready to run back to the hotel Yn gets dressed and they both leave back for the hotel.
Vox: that was a lot easier then I thought.
Waaa waaa waaa
Thomas: I what my mommy I want my daddy (start thrashing on the floor and throwing what ever his little hand can get a hold of.
Val: will someone please make it stop it is rather annoying. Bam ow my head.
Vel: here kid want a stuffed animal.
Thomas takes the toy then ropes it apart throwing the pieces back at her.
Thomas: I want mommy I want daddy. I want go home big means just my family ( throws more thing )
Vox: (this brat has an arm I can see a lot of Al in him even if he has the same fetchers as his mom) (picks up Thomas by the back of the shirt) I think you need a time out puts Thomas in a glass box with an open top.
Thomas: want out no like you want out be flat face( stickers tung out at vox)
Vox: do that again and I will stoke you ( zap)
Thomas sits down and puts his back to the three bees
Val: finally it stoped know what ?
Vel: ya now what?
Vox: we wait...

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