Yn true form

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Yn and Alastor got in the car and drove back to the hotel and when they got there. Yn walks in first and sees sir pin and nifty on the floor asleep and as Yn made there way to the din they see husk our cold and runs to the pin to see no Thomas just his toy so Yn grabs one of the toys holds it close to them.Alastor walk in after Yn and runs to the din after Yn to see his friend husk down next to the pin and beside the pin Yn holding one of Thomas toy.
Alastor walks to Yn and hugs them.
Charlie ,vaggie and Angel walk in a few minutes after they saw Yn and Alastor arrived.
They see sir pin and nifty on the ground out cold and they starts to run and find the other.
Charlie: Alastor Yn what happening?...
Everyone sees Yn and Alastor hugging each other.
Angel: Yn what happened?( sees Yn crying holding Thomas toy) where is Thomas( as he walks to check on husk and try to wake him up)
Vaggie can out of the hall with sir pin and nifty still half out of it.
Vaggie: who could have done this.
Husk mutters something
Alastor: what is it husker do you know who did this and who has my son.
Husk: the... vees... have Thomas came in... sleep gas... tried to stop them... gas to strong.
Alastor: there husk you tried now it's my turn to.
Heavy breathing and panting
Everyone stop what they are doing and looks at where the sound is coming from and they look at Yn.
Yn is trying to hold it together but can't anymore.
Yn:(scary voice)they took my baby they are going to pay.
As Yn is saying this everyone sees Yn eyes getting darker( this is how I see Yn in there demon form) ( if you have seen the game ori and the blind forest Yn looks like ori with more evil looking Yn hands are claws Yn teeth are sharp no wings and is 7 feet tall to there 5 feet tall self (you can change it if you want to).
After Yn transformed they ran to the front door on all fours and busted through it on the way to the vees tower.
Back with everyone at the hotel
Sir pin: did that just happen sweet Yn turned in to a beast
Charlie: that's not good we need to stop them before they do something they will regret.
Lucifer appears out of nowhere.
Lucifer: Charlie you can stop Yn no one can ones Yn species has a target in mind nothing can change that we can only hope Yn can restrain them selfs long Enough for us to get there and help get Thomas back.
Alastor: you will not interfere with Yn.
Everyone: what?
Alastor: this is want they get no one takes what is our and..
Charlie: Al we have too I'm sorry but if Yn does this then they will never forgive them selfs please Al help us stop Yn and we will get your baby back with out killing them.
Alastor thinks about it
Alastor: fine let's go.
Back with Yn
Yn: where are they( sniffed the air) there runs through the people like a mad man.
And stopes at the vees tower
Yn: (raaaaar)
Everyone running
Charlie: did you hear that?
Vaggie: ya what was that?
Alastor: it was Yn
Sir pin: Yn sounds tariffing.
Nifty: ya.
Lucifer: we need to hurry.
They all run and make it to the Vees tower.
In the tower
Val: what the heavens was that?
Vel: it came from out side.
Vox: let's take a look.
All three Vees go look out the windows
Vox: what the heavens is that thing....
Bang bang the hole tower shook
Thomas: mama
Val: what? Mom
Val walks over to Vox
Val: Voxy that is Yn.
Vox: what that thing is Yn so that means Alastor is not far behind get the kid we are going outside.
Vel gets Thomas and hands him to Val.
Thomas: big means ( hits Val on the arm) want mama want daddy(starts to pull at Val's jacket Ferr out)
Val: ow that hurt Vox you take him( hand Thomas to Vox)
Vox: stop moving around you little brat.
Thomas: no want mama want daddy( fights Vox in his arms)
Vox: what a pain just like Alastor.
Charlie: we are almost there I can see the tower and Yn?
Sir pin: that is Yn!
Lucifer: yes that is Yn and look the Vees are coming out we need to hurry.
Alastor:( and here I thought Yn could not get anymore beautiful and to think I was going to leave them and Thomas now just think we can be even more powerful together and we can have more and will have more Yn is unstoppable in there true form I can wait to see how this goes)
Back to the tower
The Vees are walking out the tower with Thomas
Vox:(hands Thomas to Vel) well if it isn't Yn come to get your son we you ant getting him tile... (Smacked)
Vox flys backwards to the tower
Val and Vel look at each other
Val: hey what makes you think you....(Yn grabs Val by the back of his jacket and throws Val to Vox knocking them down again)
Yn:raaaaar (walks closer to Vel)
Vel:(sweet drop) haha umm look I wanted nothing to do with taking you kid.
Yn glances at Vel and crawls closer to her.
Vel:( holds Thomas) um Vox Val can one of you get up this kid Yn is really starting to scare me.
Yn crawls closer
????: Yn stop don't do it.
Yn stops and looks at who said that.
Lucifer: Yn it's ok look Thomas is ok walks over to Vel and gets Thomas.
Vox: hey what do you think your doing....
Vox and Val get up and start running to them when.
Alastor: I would not do that.
Vox: Alastor
Alastor: you see Vox you are lucky that we came just in time.
Vox: o really and why is that Bambi.
Charlie: because Yn would have killed you and your friends so no more Vees.
Vaggie: umm babe we need your help Yn is not responding to Lucifer or me.
Charlie runs to Yn
Charlie: Yn it's ok see your baby is fine see (holds Thomas out for Yn to see them)
Yn turns and makes there way to the Vees.
Lucifer: Yn stop you don't need to do this.
Val: um Vox maybe we should just give in this time Yn does not look at all to happy( slowly backs up to the tower)
Vel: I'm out ( runs in to the tower)
Vox: I'm not done with you yet Alastor .... aaaaaaa( gets jumped on and forced down by a giant claws
Yn: raaaaaaar
Everyone: Yn no.
As Yn was getting ready to bit Vox.
Alastor: that will quit Enough Yn I think that get the point.
But Yn will not let Vox up.
Alastor: I said that's ( Walks over to Yn pulls there face to them and kisses them to Distract Yn from Vox and it worked)
Alastor:Go Vox and don't try this again or I will let Yn have at you and I will not stop them.
Vox gets up and goes to Val and walks away in to the tower.
Vox: this ends for know( walks away in to tower)
Alastor: now Yn this is Enough come back come back to me and Thomas we have him back let's go back to the hotel where we belong for know.(pets yns head
Yn looks at Alastor
Yn:raar raar (pers)
Thomas: mama daddy (reaches for them)
Lucifer let's Thomas go. Thomas runs to Alastor and Alastor picks him up.
Alastor: see Yn let's go.
Yn breaths slowly and starts to shrink tile they are back to normal.
Everyone: Yn we are so glad to have you back.( but keeps there distance)
Alastor gives them a death stare.
Alastor: cover your see Yn body is for my eyes only( takes his jacket off and puts it around Yn)
Yn smiles.
Yn: thank you Al come here Thomas mommy missed you.
Thomas: mama( hugs Yn)
Everyone: it's good to have you back Yn.
Yn smiles it's good to be back and I'm sorry for doing all this.
Lucifer: I would have done the same thing for Charlie if I had to so your good Yn.
They all start to walk home.
Angel: Yn your demon form is soo cool.
Husk: ya you even scared me and that hard to do.
Sir pin: yes Yn I would like to have a friendly battle with you one day.
Nifty: Yn is so bad haha
Vaggie: I'm just glad to have you and this all over Yn.
Charlie: ya me too let's go home.
2 Year later
???: daddy Thomas is being mean to me again make him stop.
Thomas: I was not Sebastian started it first
Sebastian: did not
Thomas: did to
Sebastian: did not( Tackles Thomas)
Then they Transform in to there demon forms Thomas looks like Alastor demon self and Sebastian is like Yn.
Alastor:( will this never end picks both of them up by the color of there neck)that is it your mother can fill with you two ( walks to fine Yn)
Both: no not mom we will stop Promise.
Alastor looks at them both then smiles.
Alastor: go now go get some clothes on and you two go play.
They run off.
Alastor walks to find Yn.
Alastor:( smiles seeing Yn) Yn I think we should split up(Dramatically says with a playful smile walks up to Yn and hugs them from behind.
Yn:( with there belly sticking out) yes that would be for the best you know I have the kid to my self then on weekends you have the kids to your self with out me taking them to school caring for them while there sick Chang diapers having to show them Affection all the time them up you butt 24/7.... mmmmm
Alastor: I think I will stick with you( put face in Yn neck).
Then Alastor let Yn go and walks up stairs to his office and shuts the door.
Alastor: ahah ahaha ahaha
So when they get older I will tech them how to be just like me the more kids the better.(smiles) have a good night.

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