Chapter 1

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I used to live an ordinary life. The "ordinary" of my life was yanked away from me when a group of policemen wearing bulletproof vests crashed into my front door, pointing guns at me and demanding I comply. Talk about random, huh? But yes, it felt like a random moment for me; perhaps I looked like someone they were after. However, I would later learn that this was no random encounter. It was premeditated. This is a story of how the gifts my family possess has made every single one of us open targets to dangerous people.

My mouth is extremely dry. I attempt to smack my lips, but realized in dismay I couldn't. My face feels hot and prickly. My arms and legs feel extremely sore...and bound. I know they are bound, but I realized I couldn't see them being bound. That's when I realized my eyes were being covered; perhaps I have been blindfolded? That's when my memory came crashing in, nearly causing me to pass out.

I recall a group of policemen crashing into my house, forcing me into handcuffs and blindfolding me, and then roughly shoving me into a car. Although I had no idea where I was being taken to, I knew it was far away from home.

"Ah, so you are finally awake," says a voice.

My body jerks in fear and shock at how close the voice was to me. Did I speak out loud? Or did he...?"

"Relax, I am not here to hurt you, unless you leave me no option but to do so."

My blindfold was gently removed from my face.

Fortunately, the lights were dim so my eyes were mostly spared. As my eyes slowly adjusted, I realized I was leaning against a wall, inside an office. And above me, sitting on a stool, was a man who appeared to be in his 50's, with hair on the outskirts of his skull but an empty patch in the middle; I was surprised he didn't go all bald, but I held my tongue.

"How's it going?" The mysterious man with the awful hair gave me a crooked smile.

"Who-o are you...", I managed to say before my throat started to throb in anguish, angry at me for using it. I started weakly coughing.

"One sec bud." The man left his chair and headed towards a fridge that was at the other end of the office. He opened the fridge and took out a Poland Springs bottle.

He tossed the bottle at me...and it hit me square in the face.

"Oww," I moaned, wishing I could rub my face.

"Oops, sorry about that; I totally forgot you're still bound," he apologized.

He went to my side and untied the ropes.

I slowly stretched my arms, feeling relieved that they were intact and I could begin to feel the blood flowing through them.

I then proceeded to open the water bottle. I took a sip and initially recoiled, feeling the cold water enter my throat and make its way down to my stomach. I then greedily drank the rest of the water, finishing it with no breaks. Bad idea.

"Ahh, ow, ow, ow," I moaned, suffering from a brain freeze that could have been avoided.

"So...," the man began; I looked up, mostly recovered from the inner chills.

"I have no idea who you are, but apparently the boss and the rest of the team have taken a special interest in you," he said eyeing me searchingly.

"I have no idea WHY your boss has taken an interest in me!", I exclaimed.

He eyed me silently, his body completely still.

"I'm serious! I don't even have a clue who your boss is. I was just minding my business at home, reading a good book, and out of nowhere, a group of policemen crashed into my room."

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