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Third and fourth period went by faster than I wanted them to. I had English third period and me and Lorson were just talking about his party on Saturday. Fourth was geography. None of my friends are in that lesson so it gets a bit boring but I would rather sit in there for another hour than go to a 10 minute detention with Mr Cumberbatch.


Elise White:

Have fun in detention with Mr Sexybatch ;) xx

Oh god, I think Elise is taking this a bit far haha.

To Elise White:

And how long did it take you to come up with that name haha? Xx

I sent her the text before knocking on Mr Cumberbatch's door.

"COME IN" I heard him shout before opening the door and entering his room.

"Hi sir" I spoke nervously and he quickly twisted his head and met my gaze.

"Oh hello Romi-Leigh, please take a seat."

"Just call me Romi sir." I said to him. I prefer Romi to Romi-Leigh. When somebody says my full name I feel like they're angry at me and I've done something wrong.

"Okay" he said with a smirk on his face. "Take a seat Romi"

I pulled out a chair and sat down in a seat a couples of desks away from his own.

"Soooo...." I said, dragging the word on awkwardly. "What am I dong here."

He didn't reply. He finished marking one of the papers on his desk before jumping out of his chair and making his way over to where I was sitting. He pulled a chair in front of my desk and sat on it.

"I can tell you're a bright girl Romi and I know you can do better than what you done today." He spoke with a concerned tone in his voice.

"Sorry sir, I guess I was a bit distracted with talking about what I did in the week off, I hadn't seen Elise through the week off so we were just catching up." I told him looking down at the desk, avoiding eye contact.

"Okay." he said. "Just make sure it doesn't happen again." he said placing the work I didn't finish onto the desk in front of me. "Finish off this paragraph and you can get going."

"Alright sir." I said taking my pen out of my bag and getting on the task he had set.

Mr Cumberbatch then stood up and walked over to his desk, getting on with marking whatever he was marking.

I got bored of writing after about 10 minutes. I looked up to see what sir was doing to find him staring at me. We made awkward eye contact but he didn't break his gaze. I didn't want to be the person to break the stare (I am very competitive) so I didn't. We both just sat there staring directly into each others eyes but the weird thing was, it began to feel less awkward the longer it went on for.  After about 45 seconds of staring there was a loud knock at the door causing us both to jump as Mr Cumberbatch broke the gaze and made his way over to the door.

He stepped outside to talk to whoever it was so I pulled my phone out.

Romi Leigh:

I've made plenty more names than that one Romi haha. Just look up at him now and tell me you don't think he's gorgeous!

I laughed at the text she had sent me and was about to reply until Mr Cumberbatch walked back into the room. I quickly put my phone back into my pocket before looking at him to see if he had caught me. He hadn't.

"You almost done Miss Burns?" he asked me.

"Yeah." I told him. I finished off my sentence and walked over to him placing my work on his desk.

"Thank you, well done." he said to me.

"Can I go for my dinner now sir?" I asked him.

He looked up at me slowly and made eye contact with me. "Yes." he said before smiling at me. Okay.

"Thanks sir, I'll see you tomorrow." I said before picking up my bag and walking towards the door. I began to open the door before a large hand slammed it shut again. I turned around to see Mr Cumberbatch standing in front of me, just a few inches from where a was standing.

He looked down at me before saying in a very deep voice "Don't forget your after school today." His voice was beautiful. 

I looked into his eyes and nodded before saying "Yes sir, I wont."

He slowly started to walk further towards me, as if we weren't close enough already. I began to back away before I hit the door. My body was pressed against the door and my teacher was now very close to me.  He slowly leaned his body in towards mine, his head getting closer and closer to mine. I froze. I had no idea what to do. I closed my eyes and waited for what was coming.

I felt the door push on my back before opening my eyes and seeing that Mr Cumberbatch has his hand on the handle and was pulling it open. The opening door pushed me towards him as he slowly backed away. Mr Cumberbatch slowly moved out of my way so I could walk out of the door.

"I'll see you then." he quietly spoke before I broke the gaze we had going and walked out of the door.

"Bye sir." I said turning round and looking into his eyes before pulling the handle and shutting the door slowly.

As I walked away from my drama room I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. "Oh my god." I whispered to myself before making my way to meet my friends.

As I was walking over to them I decided not to tell them what just happened between me and my drama teacher, I knew half of them wouldn't believe me (Jordan and Lorson) and the other two would ask me continuous questions.

"Yo." I said in a fake accent walking over to them. I sat down next to Jordan and Elise.

"How was detention?" Elise said winking at me.

"Boring." I said, trying to hide that something happened.

"I bet it wasn't, wish I could have detention with him." she said.

"Slow down Elise you've had one lesson with him and you practically love him haha!" I said jokingly.

She laughed along with me before her eyes widened as she looked behind me. What?!

I slowly turned my head to see a familiar face standing behind me.


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