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**7 weeks later**

It's took a long time, I know, but I'm feeling a lot better. My cast is off my arm, my ribs aren't hurting anywhere near as bad as they used to and my eating is getting better. After the crash I wasn't eating right. Just the thought of food was making me feel a bit sick, I don't know why. I've lost a lot of weight and I know it isn't good for me but I just can't help it. Another thing that's getting a lot better is my nightmares. Until a few days ago I hadn't had a good night sleep in weeks. Constantly waking up, sweat dripping off my face, trembling with fear but they are getting better. I've only had 1 in the past 5 nights.

School has been awful. I've had to stay behind for every single one of my lessons after school to catch up. Monday's are for English, I don't come in on Tuesdays. Wednesdays are for Geography, Thursday's are for Maths and Friday's are for Drama. It doesn't sound as bad as I'm making it out to be but if you add homework and then my actual job, it gets very tiring!

It's Thursday today and it's Georgia's 18th on Saturday. It's took us a lot of planning to know what were doing but I think we know now. First, we're going for pre-drinks at her house, her whole family are going to be there so it should be fun. Then we're going around town, we've picked out the best clubs in Manchester and that's a lot! After that I think we're all going to Lorson's house because his family are out of the city. It's gonna' be so fun, I can't actually wait! This week has went by sooooo slowly.

I'm in after school Maths right now and it's dragging in.

"Mr Fox, can I please go to the toilet?" I asked my teacher, distracting him from his marking.

"You've only got 10 minutes left Romi, can you not wait?" He sounded slightly annoyed.

"I wouldn't have asked if I could sir, please?" I said in my sweetest voice, hoping he would let me.

"Fine, you might as well take your bag and leave too, there'll be not point in coming back." He said, avoiding all eye contact as he went back to his marking.

"Oh thanks sir, I'll see you Monday." I told him whilst walking out of the class, not waiting for a reply.

I took my phone out of my pocket and begun texting my older brother Harvey, he's coming up from uni for Georgia's 18th, we all used to be really close.

**Harvey Burns

What time will you be up tomorrow, if it's not late we should all go for a meal? Xx**

I sent the text and went to put my phone in my pocket until I bumped into someone, tripping over them and falling to the floor, knocking the papers they were holding out of their hand.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I said as I pulled myself off the floor and began picking the papers up.

I had a bunch in my hand, picking more up until I heard his voice.

"Oh no don't worry, it was partly my fault to, I guess we both should have been looking where we were going." he said whilst laughing.

"Here, I'll get that." he said taking the papers out of my hand and picking up the remaining ones off the floor. "Are you okay? That didn't hurt did it? I'm so sorry." he said with an apologetic look on his face.

"Yeah I'm fine Mr Cumberbatch, sorry for knocking those out of your hand." I said to him, getting a bit nervous.

Oh yeah I should probably mention, still have a crush on my teacher. It's not as bad as Elise's but I think it's getting close haha. I know it's weird but with his face, you'd be weird not to find him attractive! And it doesn't help that I have to stay behind with him on Fridays.

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