Blacked Out.

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"Can we please go?" Elise said in my ear whilst looking at the boy approaching us.

"Hi everyone." Noah spoke as he stopped in front of us all.

Noah was Elise's ex-boyfriend, remember? The one who she caught kissing another girl.

"Hi Noah." everyone apart from Elise spoke whilst she turned away from him.

It was pretty awkward when Noah spotted us in school because we all used to be friends but when he kissed another girl we all sided with Elise.

"Elise, can we talk?" he said to Elise, barely getting to finish as she immediately said "No!".

He looked hurt. He still loved Elise, we all knew that. We also knew that Elise still loved Noah but there was a very slim chance they would get back together.

He stood there for around 30 seconds looking awkward as Elise kept her gaze away from him. After a while I think he took the hint and started to walk away. He walked to the football pitch meeting up with his friends looking a bit sad.

"Dick!" Elise spoke and we all turned to look at her.

"Do you think he still loves you?" Jordan questioned Elise with a concerned look on his face.

Jordan was like my big brother. I knew I could always go to him when I was feeling down or I had trouble with something, he would always know the right thing to say to cheer me up.

"I don't give a shit!" Elise bluntly told him.

"Ugh.." I let out a loud sigh. "Of course he still loves you. We all see it." I told her the truth.

"Can we just drop it guys. I'm over him. He messed up and I can't do anything about that now." Elise said trying to hold back the hurt she was feeling.

Just as she finished her sentence the bell for Fifth period went. We had a free period and everyone wanted to leave but I couldn't because of my annoying after school with Mr Cumberbatch.

Shit!  I need to text Luke and tell him I can't give him a lift home.

To Luke Burns:

Sorry pal, looks like you're going to have to find your own way home.

I clicked send and caught up with my friends who had started to walk away from me.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"McDonald's, you coming?" Lorson replied.

"I can't, I have an after school." I told them

"Well just come with us and we'll drop you back off here for your detention."

"Alright but I can't be late!" I told him pointing my finger at him.

"Don't worry." he said as we made our ways to Georgia's car.

"Wait, we won't all fit in Georgia's car." Elise said as she realised there was five of us and Georgia's car was only a four seater.

"I'll just stay here." I said.

"No, come on, I'll bring my car, you can't stay here on your own." Jordan said.

"No it's fine, taking two cars is just a waste of petrol. I need to be back here for me detention anyway. Just go, I'll be fine." I told them.

"Are you sure?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah, now go, I'll see you tomorrow." I said

They all said goodbye and got into Georgia's car before driving off. I went and sat on a bench putting my earphones in and scrolling through tumblr until the bell for the end of the day went.

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