The Meal.

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Benedict's POV:

School ended around 35 minutes ago and I'm still here, marking books. It's soooo boring.

After another 10 minutes I decided to text my friend Tom to tell him I wasn't going out with him tonight. I told him it was because I couldn't be arsed, which is partly true but it's mainly because I have other plans. I couldn't tell him that though because I know he would ask what my other 'plans 'were and my other 'plans' are with one of my students. He would definitely have something to say.

I left school and got home at around 6ish. I couldn't keep my eyes of the clock and off my phone, constantly checking the time and for any new messages. I really shouldn't be this bothered about picking up a student, for that reason exactly, she's just a student. But is she?

I mean I've known Romi-Leigh for 2 month and a bit now but she doesn't feel like a student, to be honest none of my students do. They all feel more like my friends. But Romi feels like so much more than that. I know it's sounds stupid, I've only known her for 2 months and I'm her educator.

I was cut away from my thoughts when my phone buzzed. I quickly dived across the sofa to reach for it, unlocking it with a smile on my face. Turns out it was Tom.

**From Tom H:

Okay mate, your loss though, it's gonna be a good night. T**

I was getting excited then!

I started watching TV when I received another text, off Romi this time.

**From Romi-Leigh:

Just about to set off for our meal, should be done in around 1 hour and 30 mins. You still up for showing me around the neighbourhood? x**

**To Romi-Leigh:

Okay and yeah, of course. Let me know when you're almost done and I'll set off to come and pick you up. x**

Within less than a minute I got a text back.

"From Romi-Leigh:

Okay, see you then x**

I decided to get a shower and get ready for picking Romi up. I just hope that nobody from school see's us.


Romi-Leigh's POV:

I've been at home for around 45 minutes now, just catching up with my older brother, I've missed him so much. Me and Harvey are much closer than usual siblings our age. You hear about brothers and sister who hate each other or don't talk to one and other but me and Harvey are the total opposite.

"Right well I'm going to get a shower for tonight." Harvey said whilst pulling himself up from the sofa.

"Oh will you let me go first, I need to do all my hair and make-up, all you need to do is shove your clothes on? Please?" I pleaded to him, giving him my best puppy eyes, hoping he would let me.

"Fine! Don't take the piss thought!" Yes!!

"Don't worry, I won't!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs towards the bathroom.

I was in the shower, listening to music. I had already washed my hair and body but I couldn't bring myself to leave the hot environment. I just stood there, letting my thoughts take me to different worlds. It was relaxing until I landed on a planet that made my heart bounce.

It started with my phone playing the next song, Desire by Years & Years. The one song that just reminds me of the beautiful man I have to call my teacher. My thoughts kept wondering and wondering. I imagined what would have happened earlier if things could have went my way. If he wasn't standing that close to me just to open the door. The shower suddenly started to get hotter. I need to stop this!

Luckily I was pulled out of my thoughts by Harvey banging on the door.

"Hurry up! You've been in there for fucking ages!" he angrily shouted through the door.

"Yeah, sorry. I'll be two minutes." I shouted back.

After getting out of the shower, getting ready, doing my hair and make-up I was finally ready.

I went downstairs and my whole family were waiting for me, not much change there.

"You took your time didn't you?" Harvey and Luke asked me at the same time.

"Sorry lads, I actually have to put effort in, unlike some." I said as my gaze travelled between them both.

"Woah, shots fired there." Harvey said before laughing.

We all made our way outside to mum's car but before I left the house I messaged Ben letting him know we were setting off.

**To Benedict:

Just about to set off for our meal, should be done in around 1 hour and 30 mins. You still up for showing me around the neighbourhood? x**

It wasn't long at all before I got a text back.

**From Benedict:

Okay and yeah, of course. Let me know when you're almost done and I'll set off to come and pick you up. x**

**To Benedict:

Okay, see you then x**

I quickly replied before getting into the car.

We arrived in the restaurant and made small talk before our food arrived. As we ate everyone was engaged into conversations apart from me. I couldn't. I was just stuck in my own little world thinking about, well, guess who. He was actually way to attractive to be my teacher. I think the fact that he is my teacher makes me want him even more. Knowing that it's against the law, knowing that it can't and won't happen, knowing that he doesn't think about me the same way I think about him makes me want to do something to make him.

A lot of drinks, conversations and food later we were finally finished. I've been waiting for this moment all night. I pulled my phone out while Darcy ate the last of her pudding and told Ben we would be five minutes. He shorty replied telling me he was on his way and by the time we were paying our bill he was outside.

"Well thank you for the meal mum, you really didn't have to pay for mine but I'm off out now." I said to my family, feeling slightly guilty.

"You're off now hun? Okay. Who you going out with?" my mum asked me.

"Oh just a friend, I'll see you later," I said quickly scurrying off, avoiding anymore questions.

As I approached the door my stomach began to tingle, my heart began to skip faster and I could feel my cheeks burning. This should be fun.



Sorry for the really bad, short chapter but I wanted to ask you something. I have a really good, original idea for a new fan fiction and I think you would all enjoy it. I have no idea where I'm going with this one, I just started it to see if I would enjoy it and I really do. I have a lot of good thoughts about the one I have planned that I know would be good to read. I'm not sure whether to carry on with this fanfic or start my new one. PLEASE comment whether you would like me to carry on with this fanfic, start my new one or do both but that would mean having less updates. Please keep voting and comment, it means a lot. Thanks.

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