What's Going On?

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I woke up early this morning, I beat my alarm clock for once. I decided to get in the shower quickly so I would have time to sort out what I was wearing tonight.

After I got out of the shower I curled my hair before brushing it, making natural curls. I applied my make-up, went downstairs and ate my breakfast.

After my breakfast I went upstairs to wake my younger siblings up for school. Luke now gets the bus to school and Darcy gets a lift with her friend who lives close by. Everything should be back to normal when I get my new car.

*knock knock*

I entered Luke's room. 

"Come on Luke, get up." I said to my lazy younger brother.

"Ughh" he moaned.

"Come on you lazy shit, get up!" I said walking over to his window and opening his curtains. "Don't want to miss your bus now do we?" I said as I left the room.

I then went and woke Darcy up and returned to my room, picking out an outfit for our meal tonight. I found a black dress at the back of my wardrobe that I hadn't yet worn. Perfect. I laid it out on my bed before returning to my wardrobe and picking out a pair of black heels to go with my dress. Sorted.

I checked my phone to see if I had any notification. 1 new message and 1 missed call.

*Missed call: Jordan Long*

*Message: Benedict*

I checked the time to see if I was running late for Ben picking me up. 7:47am. I slid the message across the screen to open it.

**From Benedict:

I forgot to tell you yesterday, bring a hoodie or something, you may get cold. BC x**

Get cold, it's one of the hottest days of the year  today, what's he on about?

**To Benedict:

But it's one of the hottest days of the year, why would I need a hoodie? x**

I locked my phone but it quickly buzzed with a reply from Benedict.

**From Benedict:

Just bring one, you might regret it. BC x**

I smiled at my phone wondering what I would need a hoodie for.

I went downstairs and got my shoes on before getting my grey Jack Wills hoodie from the cupboard. I waited 5 minutes before getting my bag and saying bye to my family then standing outside and waiting for Ben.

I took the time I had to ring Jordan back.

**"Hello?" -J

"Hi, did you ring?" -R-L

"Oh yeah. I was just wondering if you have got Georgia a present yet because I really have no idea what to get her?" -J**

I went to reply when this beautiful, expensive, grey Jaguar F Type pulled up outside of my house. My jaw dropped then I looked and seen that Benedict was in the drivers seat. What?!

**"Erm look, Jordan, do you mind if we speak about this at school? It's just, I... erm... need to get my sister ready? -R-L

"Yeah sure, see ya." -J

"Bye" -R-L**  I said before hanging up.

I was so shocked. A beautiful man driving a beautiful car. It doesn't get much better than this!

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