I Love My Man

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I met up with Rich again. I had been doing so for a straight two weeks. We agreed that he should move out of the house and that what ever business would be done in town.
We were in the car. Yes car. I finally had the guts to steal mom's car. He was driving, of course.
I was feeling really good about getting away with so many crimes such as stealing from the diners with Rich and everything running so smooth. I was jamming to 'Bitch better have my money' and enjoying the coincidental irony of the moment.
'Where are we going now?'
'We... Are going to rob a parlor'
I gleamed at him.
'You're into tattoos? That's so cool!' I gasped.
'Of course not. We're stealing from a pizza parlor... I'm hungry.'
I nodded my head in obedience and sank back into my seat.

The parlor wasn't bizzar or anything special. It had a few rows of chairs along the side of the wall, followed by a long table and random tables scattered across the room.
I started to feel guilty about what we were doing.. These people barely had anything. Why steal from them?

'Rich... '
' No, Jordan! We're not going to back down now. Haven't you learn anything? Shut up and get your self together, yeah?'
I just stated at him... But it seemed as if I was staring right back at my self (His eyes I presume). I felt weak and used. Then my ego took over and totally disregarded everything I was thinking. I needed to prove to him that I was tough enough to do anything with him... For him.
He took out his signature cutlass, only this time the cutlass had words written all over it. They were to small to see and people were already in a panic.
I brought out a pistol (fake of course) that I found in one of Jerseys old toy boxes that mom had kept since she was a kid.
He stared at me for a solid three seconds. Without any warning, he snatched the gun away from me and raised to the air. The Boy had no idea what kind of embarrassment he was about to face.

'Rich!' I screamed.
But it was too late. Way too late for me to do anything. Silence was clinging onto the air-refusimg to let go.. Until there was a faint giggling in the corner. Then another. Then another. And another. Until the whole room was filled up with laughter and Rich was a crispy red.
He slowly started to move backwards in disbelief.
'Why?' he asked.
I just looked at him with a black expression on my face.
'I didn't mean to. I-'
He snatched my hand and in anger he dropped it again. This time he marched off with the dignity I hadn't taken away from him.

I snuggled next to my pillow, quiet and clutching onto my blankets that I felt had no warmth to offer. I stared at the wall ahead of me, hoping that Rich would barge into the room like he usually does. I had no idea what kind of stupidity would have ran through my head at that specific moment bit what ever kind it was... did me nothing but harm.

'You know.. If you want to talk to me... You can. ' mom said, still staring at me for a straight ten minutes.
I stayed where I was.
'If I wanted to, I would. Trust.'
She shook her head.
'I don't understand what went wrong between you and I... You know.'
'I do know. You left me because of drugs, my father mysteriously disappeared and for another ten years of my life, I had to live with a Kpo freak that snuck around with boys every single day of my life! And now... '
Before stupidity drove me even further, there was a horrible wrecking sound that interrupted my confession. Mom ran to the bathroom to see what was going on. It was Jersey. And she was sick. Way too sick for it to be a flu.
' Baby... Don't worry. I'm going to call a doctor RIGHT NOW.'
I was still in bed bit I could hear what was going on.
I hissed.
Always taking the attention.
I rolled onto the other side of my bed and surprisingly I started to gag on my own spit. I hauled myself into a convenient position and started to puke. It was a matter of seconds before mom was at my aid too, rubbing my hair as she always does. I smacked her hand away from me in protest, wanting to throw up in peace. Mom moved away in agreement, slumping next to the wall, in the process of getting out her phone and calling the ER. Tears rolled down her face, in agony, to the non-existent response to
The secretariat.
Mom slammed the phone on the ground, making it skid across the floor and under my bed.
I was the first to recover. I ran to the bathroom, covering my mouth, so that no piece of my 'work of art' spills on the carpet.
I gasped for air, fiddling for my phone in my pocket. The only problem I had was that there was no one to talk to. If I looked back, I didn't have what one would call 'Friends' and I hadn't made the best of friends with Rich. So I was hopeless at this point. Jersey seemed to have also recovered, shouting for me.
'Jordan? Jordan? Are you okay?'
Several minutes past and this girl was still on my case.
'What?!' I screamed.
I was swimming in the two second silence before I heard another annoying whimper.
' I just wanted to ask if you were okay... '
' No! I'm not okay! I caught your freakin aids! So try not screw more things up, monster!'
Ten seconds past... Then twenty... THEN fifty seconds... It was then I started to feel worried. jersey had never been this quiet. Not for this long. As I opened the door to see what was going on, I heard a thud on the ground.. Then another.
It was Rich.
'The he-'
'Welcoming me back home?'
I perked up with joy and pounced on him, giving him a big, bear hug, up until I realized that mom and Jersey were knocked out on the floor.
In complete utter shock that Rich was able to forgive my inexcusable behavior earlier on, I ran towards him in tears.
'I thought you would never see me again.' I wept.
He stroked my hair.
"I couldn't risk not seeing you again, Jordan. I love you."
I sniffed and looked up at him.
"No matter what-"
"No matter what, Jordan. I need to be as close to you as possible, at all times."
"Why?" I looked around, "I'm crazy about you and stuff but I think I have enough protection around me..."
"No! " he screamed.
I jolted backwards in surprise.
Realising what he'd just done he adjusted to a more Suttle tone of voice.
" I mean-no... No, Jordan. I need to. You're my priority and I need to make sure you're protected."
I blew out a puff of air.
"Fine... I'll try make sure that I'm mostly available."
"Are you always around your family?"
"You're a stalker."
"Was. "
" What holy spirit came down to-"
"Just answer the question."
"Yeah. But I'm sure I could find away to ditch."
"No. I like it. It's perfect."
I stared at the weirdo.
"My family?"
"Yeah! We'll... It has some benefits."
I smiled in confusion but I was quickly back in my phase of rage as I looked at Mom and Jersey still sprawled out on the floor.
My nose crinkled.

"I'll wake them up." he said, in reassurance.
"Don't. Do. That. Again." I hissed, "Or you will be funding to your demise."

With that awkward bipolar scene that took place, I stopped back to my room.

The extra time I walked out of my room, there was a lot of noise coming from the dining room, downstairs.

Jersey and mom were at the dining table, talking.

I tried to sneak past them, not exactly. Knowing what to expect after the knock out.

"Come back her, Jordan." mom shouted across the room. "The three of us need to talk. Now."
To my demise, I shuffled over to where mom and Jersey were.

"We know what's up. "
" Wait. You do?" I asked hands trembling.
"Yeah. You're seeing some stupid Boy that keeps breaking into the house and knocking us out every chance he gets."
I was silenced. Did they know about Rich? Did they just think I was seeing some random but from my school?

"Jordan! I know who he is!" Jersey screamed.
I winced.
"What? "
Jersey shuffled a bit then tightened her fists again.
"He's the thief at the diner.. Isn't he?"
I gaped at Jerseys face.
I started to move backwards very slowly, just in case any sudden movements were made.
Jersey stretched out her arms.
"Jordan.. Don't be difficult now. I need you-"
"No!!!" I screeched, my face burning crimson.
"Listen, Jordan, Listen-"
"No! I'm not going to-nt! Stop! Get your hands off me! I'm not listening to a thing you say!"
Jersey scowled, rolled her eyes and walked away. She failed her hands in the air.
"In done, mom. Tell her. "
Mom tried to put her arm around me but I dodged.
I rubbed the invisible trickle of sweat streaming across my face.
"What? No... No. You're lying. Was I drugged with a whiff of Kpo by Jersey? Did I keep some sort of..some diary? Tell me!!" I giggled in between.
"You guys are at this game again. The game of trying to teach me a lesson-"
"Jordan, it's not like that-"
"Yeah. Yeah it is."
I started a jog towards the kitchen.
"Where are you going?" mom called out.
I left her hanging at my attempt to remain unreadable and cynical.
I climbed onto the electric cooker and started dancing around.
"Are you crazy!?" mom shrieked, "You're going to get us killed!!"
I started twisting around the cooker.
"I'm going to burn this bitch to the ground" I giggled. I was immediately slapped onto the floor by the sweet thrill of her hand. I was wringed upright.
"Stop seeing that boy, " she threatened.
I spat at her face and with that came another whack to the face.
She pranced around the room and moved in so close that spitting would be physically impossible.
" What happened to you? Who is this monster-"
"He's not a monster."
"That's tearing you-"
"Away... "
I winced.
"From you?"
She smiled.
"From common sense... "
I frowned, then was soon in a fit of tears. Mom started to edge towards me. Swinging my arms at her in disapproval, I pointed my finger at her as a warning.
"Let me tell you what I.. Want. I want you and Jersey to butt out of my life and get your own multi million boyfriends. Oh.. Yeah. Your little white husband dumped you! Left you with this mixed race beast! This queen... " I threw up the peace sign in the air.
"I Love My man."
With that I walked out the back door.
"Where am I going? Oh! Good you asked! I'm going to leave all of you to rot in this hell!"
Mom leaned against the door, tears rolling down her face.
"When are you coming back?" she asked, monotone.
"Hmph. I'm not!"


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