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I burst into the apartment, not bothered the slightest bit if Jersey knew I was home or not. My room was a mess. Cigarettes scattered all over the floor, beer bottles shattered too and a whole lot of junk that was a lot to take in. In fact! That wasn't a lot to deal with. Should I tell you what was a lot to deal with?! Not the glass shattered from the beer bottles but the glass shattered from my Windows.

I was seriously thinking of how I was gonna whip this dumb low when some bloke of 20 or somn' barged into my room with Jersey in his arms,  both of them looking thrashed out.

I wasn't surprised. It's not like it's the first time a grown man has barged into my room with my slut of a sister in his arms... If.. You know what I mean.

'The hell are you? ' he asked me.

' What?! This is where I live! The hell are you?! ' I screamed back.

' I'm Vino'

'Typical. Some dumb af bloke walks into my room, high as the heavens, wandering why I'm just asking his name... '

' I'm Vino...Jerseys boss... '

There was a stupid silence I freaking couldn't stand.

' What?! Are you doing?! In... My apartment?! '

Jersey was holding a half filled bottle of Guinness in her hand. She dropped it and it made a loud bang on the floor.

' Look, just take care of her. Okay? I need her on time for work.'

This dip shit dumped her on my bed, picked up one of the used cigarettes on the floor and popped it in his mouth.

He slammed the door on his way out, almost tearing the whole place down.

Jersey' head was dangling on my lap.

'Where's Vino?'

'I actually used to look up to you. '

Jersey grunted and turned away.

' Just leave me alone. You boyfriend stealer... '

' So that's my name now? Your boss is your boyfriend? You must be high on oxygen because all I have done so far is try and keep out of your way! ' I screamed.

A tear ran down her face. My stupid self started to feel bad for her.

' You know what? Let's get you a shower. '

I carried her all the way to the bathroom and gave her a shower. The water was cold. Oops.

' How does that feel? Better? ' I asked as politely as I could.

She shot me with killer eyes tried to yank my hair.

' Ow!' I yelled.

'Shut up. Where are my clothes. '

I felt so offended. This is the same psycho, drunk, boy up sensed sister of mine that has hurt me do much but I still go out of my way to take care of her.

I jeered.

'Get your clothes by yourself!' 

'I said shut up. '


I can't believe this girl. I can  believe ANYBODY!! in this stupid two way relationship family! I really wish my dad was here. All that Bull my mom told me about him being dead is a lie. And... I know it. You know why?

Neh... It doesn't matter

Anyways I got a hold of myself much later on and found the will in myself to go down into the kitchen. Jersey was still knocked out from... Whatever the heck she drank with that Vino guy and I had a massive headache from all this hectic drama that's been going on. It's because of all the chaos that I forgot I had a stomach. That rumbled. And grunted. And pinched the walls of my intestines with its acid.

So I walked down to the kitchen and I'm tired of all these plot twists in my life and and I'm very happy to say that nothing bogus or extraordinary happened. The cupboard didn't burn the house down, the rice in the bag didn't pour out on my face! For once in my life, everything felt right. For about a millisecond.

Guess who it was.

'Is anyone there?!'

Was this guy serious?

'I'm looking for Jordan!'

I tripped on an apple that rolled into the floor as I frantically made my way to the door.

I opened it and right before me stood the 'pedophilic, good lookin, naiive typical Boy I met at the park. This is the part where I  should have called the police. I mean, I barely even knew this guy!

' Uh... Hi... ' I faked a smile, 'Who... Are you?' I said as I heard Jersey walloping down the stairs.

'What do you mean? You met me at-'

I covered his mouth quickly before Jersey heard what he said. I looked like a crazy retard who had broken out of Juvy to claim the custody of the child I had at 16.

'I. Know. ' I whispered/spoke.

' Then why can't-'

'Shut.Up.' I grinned till I could feel the germs in the air swinging on my teeth.

okay. I had to break it to this guy.

'Listen! And listen well... I don't want you stalking me home, walking me home or even watching me go home! You pedophilic weirdo. '

Okay. Fine. That was a bit mean but to be honest, with what I'm going through, I think I deserve that understanding of why I am.

' Sorry I scared you. I was just trying to tell you that when you left the park some weirdos followed right behind you, so I was just trying to see if you were okay. '

He panted.

'I'm serious. But if you never want me back here-'

'I don't' I snapped at him.

He frowned. Then they frown turned into a pout.

He got out his pen and wrote a number down on his paper.

'What are you doing? '

' Sh... If you need any help, can this number.'

I snatched the paper out of his hand.

'I won't. ' I grunted.

I slammed the door in his face.

Jersey got up from the wall where she was obviously listening to half of the  conversation. She stumbled into the kitchen and I quickly followed her, incas  she did anything stupid. As I thought, she picked up the apple I tripped on earlier and took a ferocious bite into it.

'Have you done your homework? ' she spoke with huge flying chunks of Apple flying from her mouth.

'Yeah' I replied. Knowing really well that I had not done any such homework but not ready to have another tempestuous argument with my sister. Yeah. Tempestuous. I'm using weather to describe our relationship now because that's what it is. A heavy storm wrapped in a hurricane ready to terrorize the city.

I looked into the cupboard where we keep our groceries. Nothing. Well, I couldn't start heading to the central part of town in the middle of the night, considering the fact that I'm not the usual type of person you see walking around swinging groceries about like it's the latest designer bag. I would have racial conflict times two. I'm supposedly a down graded monkey who's lucky to be in a white school, 'thankfully' because my father is/was white. If not I wouldn't even be in school at all. Corner tow is starting to close all the black schools down because they claim that the black children are wasting the society's money by staining the school bathrooms with their cocoa skin and leaving muddy brown hand prints on the gym floors with their negro skin. How rude can society get. I'm not Nelson Mandela or anything, I'm not going to campaign for interracial marriage, however, I am going to try my best to get through this generation as smoothly as possible without getting trampled on by society's footprint. Not the shoe. The foot print. Society never tramples on you with the shoe. They leave a print that will last longer, stay longer and hurt longer.

Stupid society.

The door was banged down. They blew whistles. Rich tried to help.

... Jerseys dead.

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