Thirty Six

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The room went quiet, almost still as the leaf's voice peaked through the mass of eyes looking in her direction. Esmae began to sweat despite the outside weather turning her cheeks a deep red. Did she say something wrong? Why were they staring so intently?

Yet, just as her mind began conjuring reasons for their silence, several voices erupted in greetings with bright smiles painting the faces of many.

"Geia sas!"

"Kalós írthate!"

"To ónomá tis eínai Esmé, sostá?"
(Her name is Esmae, right?)


Esmae glanced at Evangelia, who held her arm warmly, silently asking for help. Now that Evangelia was aware of what Esmae truly was, the dryad felt comfortable seeking comfort in her as well.

"They are saying hello, dear. 'Geia sas' means 'hello' and 'kalós írthate' means 'welcome'," Evangelia explained in a soft whisper. Young adult humans were sitting in the massive lounging area, seemingly around Nikolaos' age, while older humans were gathered around the kitchen conversing softly.

Nikolaos didn't have much time to react to his relatives' massive welcome either as his nephews and nieces ran to him, hugging his legs and looking at him with beaming smiles and round cheeks.

"Geia sou, Nikólao!"

"Écheis tin kámera sou, Nikólao? Boroúme na travíxoume fotografíes?"
(Do you have your camera, Nikolaos? Can we take pictures?)

They bombarded him with questions and took his hands, forcing him to abandon his suitcases and walk to the lounge where his cousins were waiting. Esmae watched the act, feeling a bit anxious seeing Nikolaos being pulled away from her. She was quite worried.

The poor leaf.

"Do not worry, girl, everyone is happy to see you. They were anticipating your arrival," Evangelia assured after noticing the apprehension covering Esmae's face. Esmae nodded in return, letting out a long breath and trying to relax as the lounge bustled with conversation; it was all in Greek.

"Are you hungry? You must be hungry. Come, come - I saved a snack for you. You like píta kai tzatzíki, óchi?"

Esmae's ears perked at the familiar sounding food and she nodded, allowing Evangelia to pull her toward the open kitchen past the lounge where her relatives gathered. A few were cooking simple dishes while the others merely hovered around the area, though some dispersed when Evangelia made herself present. They knew very well how strict the woman was when it came to the kitchen, so they tended to stay out of her way whenever she was around.

They feared getting yelled at.

"Do not worry, the bread is still warm, and the sauce is fresh." Evangelia handed the small tray of food to Esmae, patting her arms softly and leading the young woman to the lounge where Nikolaos was. Nikolaos, who was surrounded by cousins and children alike, glanced up from his conversation with them, seeing his mother and Esmae walking toward him.

The smile he bore brightened and he made room for Esmae to sit beside him, immediately wrapping his arm around her waist when she sat down. "My mother made food for you, yeah?" he whispered, flickering his gaze to his mother who was already inside the kitchen again, pulling out more ingredients as she began to cook.

"Yeah," Esmae replied, taking a bite out of her pita bread. Her eyes sparkled immediately, and she smiled. It tasted so different from how she made it at home in England, and it was far better. She wondered why.

Nikolaos shifted the tray, so it sat on his thigh, letting Esmae relax in his arms. His cousins gazed at his affectionate nature softly, happy to see the quiet and introverted man more open and affectionate to the woman he loved.

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