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Waking up at 4 am were not the most ideal plans, Bradley intended on getting a good nights sleep so he could be extra focused on his classes as he knew expectations were high and there would be loads of work even on the first day. Getting only 5 hours of sleep definitely wasn't off to a great start.

Of course Bradley didn't mean to show up so late to his dorm room but the drive from his house wasn't exactly short and he would have left earlier if his mom wasn't so insistent on keeping him, forever. He rolled his eyes as he remembered how late his mom had made him as he started to make his way to the coffee shop a few blocks down from college campus.

And what about his roommate? He wondered the moment he had seen the boy sleeping in the room and couldn't make out who it was in the darkness but poor guy must had just passed out early on, he still had day cloths on and was not tucked into his covers whatsoever. Though he didn't have plans to make friends with his roommate he at least wanted to set boundaries and properly introduce himself. Bradley was trying to be more a more kind and friendly person since everything that had gone down at the X games, what a fool of himself he had made last season.

Bradley was devastated he could no longer be apart of the X games but he also knew that it was all fair and very understandable and he'd grown to accept it, though he still keeps his skating hobby every once in awhile.

After he had ordered his breakfast to go, he decided to find a nice bench to sit at for awhile and ponder his thoughts as he enjoyed his meal. It was refreshing to be back at the college, he was excited to be independent and not be smothered by his parents. Only two more years at this school, it still sounded like ages. The classes will take up a lot of time though and that is what he was looking forward to, no free time means no opportunities to get into trouble and he will be able to focus on what was most important.

6:24, his watch read and he took that as a sign to get his bag from his dorm room and make his way to his first class of the day, classes started at 7 but it would be smart to get there a bit early to stay in the right headspace. He was walking into the dorm building as he was almost crashed into by a dumb dude taking off on his skateboard, who does that?! As the gush of wind from the skater hit him, a light scent of his cologne brushed over him as well and the scent was intoxicating as well as addicting making Bradley sway toward the scent a bit.

He blinked a few times and snapped out of the trance as he rushed up the stairs to his dorm. Opening the door and rushing to grab empty bag he caught sight of the cloths on his roommates bed, the dorm was empty, supposedly his roommate had the same plan of getting out early for classes as well. Although right as he was leaving he smelt the same cologne he did walking out. He had only wished that he had focused more on WHO this hygienic, organized, skater boy was when he passed him.

Never mind this mystery roommate, he was now determined to focus on ONLY his classes from now on. No distractions. He nodded to himself as he walked into his first period Ethics, ready to excel in not only this class but the 5 others that were waiting for him.

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