Ruin my day why don't you?

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Soo im not sure how many people actually read this but if you do I'm sorry for not posting in a couple days 😭 I was occupied a bit but I'm back! This chapter is a bit short but the next one will be ever better I PROMISE!

The first two classes breezed by so fast Max thought to himself and it was so fun getting to know his classmates though he was a bit dissapointed to find he had no classes so far with pj or Bobby. Walking into his next class he passed many others he recognized from last year which only made him more excited. He settled into his seat as he examined his peers around the room.

There were many new people and many old, it was a good variety he thought to himself as he nodded and started to smile. He was excited for this class as it was a history class, he loved learning about history because of how interesting it was. It felt like there was always more to learn and it was so fascinating to truly see how much the world has changed he thought as he continued to look around at the people entering.

Suddenly a certain someone caught his eye, he felt himself freeze as he watched the light brunette walk into the classroom. Bradley Uppercrust the third. Of course HE had to be here just to spoil maxes favorite subject, how would he be able to enjoy this class when the cheating little rich boy was in the atmosphere?! Max rolled his eyes as he attempted to recollect himself and convince himself that he didn't care for Bradley one bit. Stupid brad.

Finally, after what took like FOREVER the class had started and he know by the looks of the teacher there would be no "get to know your peers" games, it was straight to work. He straightened in his seat as his professor began his lecture "this class is not for fun...." Blah blah blah "you are all expected to take this extremely seriously and keep your grades up" blah blah blah...Max tried to keep focus but it was all things he was already intending on following and everything his professor said next was pretty predictable and all things he had heard before.

His eyes wondered to his other classmates feeling the same lack of care or focus as Max did and it was good to know it wasn't just him. He gazed across the room to see Bradley who looked as if he was trying to find something, Maxes eyebrow raised as he tried to determine what it was Bradley was so desperately attempting to find. He examined further and realized he was sniffing, did something smell bad? Maybe good?? He couldn't quite place what was going through that kookoo juniors head but he looked like a fool and it made Max chuckle.

"Is this funny to you Mr. Goof?" The professor asked glaring right into maxes eyes while the rest of his peers did the same " nothing..I just had a something in my throat..needed to clear it..!" He said laughing nervously and embarrassed as his face got extremely red and he looked down at his desk immediately. "Moving on..." a sigh of relief escaped Max as he began to look up and see that nobody had cared anymore than the professor had.

Maybe if he hadn't been paying so much attention to Brad that wouldn't have happened he though as he bit his lip, turning his head back to brad who to Max's surprise was staring right at him. Bradly looked irritated but also as if he was deciding on something, Max's eyes widened with the contact they both made as looked straight down at his desk once more. This class had been a nightmare and he couldn't bare it any longer. 

After another long 30 minutes the bell had finally rang, it was lunch time. Max quickly gathered all his belongings and threw his backpack over him, grabbing his skateboard in his left hand as he rushed out the door, passing Bradley so fast they couldn't identify each other in time before he was alright halfway down the hall. Max was excited to see his friends and hear how their day had been so far as well. 

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