- Pilot - 1

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Screams were heard in the crowd of worker drones. Dead bodies that have been decapitated are scattered around the ground as oil flowed from their bodies. I finished drinking up the oil from one of the heads and threw it away.

The other worker drones began running away. V and J were working on a different batch of workers as I handled my own. "I love playing with my food... especially when it has legs," I told them. An X owned its appearance on my eyes as I flew up towards the runaway workers.

"Don't leave yet~ The show just started!" I told them, acting innocent as I stopped them from leaving. I bit ones head off and changed my hand into a gun, shooting at random drones that get in my way as I walked. I was covered in oil.

I should backtrack, shouldn't I? Ugh, this is stupid...

We are disassembly drones. Built for one purpose: to dismantle those pesky worker drones. We’re the elite, the apex predators in this scrapyard. With our razor-sharp claws and lethal efficiency, nothing stands in our way. We're relentless, unstoppable, and honestly, kinda awesome at what we do. In the grand scheme of things, we’re the top dogs, and we love every minute of it.

Although the worker drones call us 'Murder drones' because we would always murder the worker drones for their oil. I wear that label proudly on my shoulder.

We've gotten commands from the JcJenson company to wipe out the worker drones' population as they are corrupted. To be honest, it's quite fun going on a killing spree every night.

But, we also do this because we need their oil to survive since we overheat without it. Our killing sprees are during night time because the sun can kill us once we set foot there.

Oh, where's N, you might ask? Oh, that cheap-drone asshole was kept in the landing pod because of what happened on our last mission.


N made us fail our mission, which was very much immature of that bastard! Once we got to our hideout, I pounced on him, pinning him on the ground as I tightened my grip on his neck, my other hand turning into a gun, pointing at him.

"You incompetent, immature, mistake-of-a-drone. How dare you make us fail?! The company is relying on us to make sure we do as told and you dare fail?!" I shouted in his face as he praised me.

"Th-thank you... s-sorry... I-I d-deserve that," N spoke.


Once we finished our mission, we circled back to each other, looking at our art. The oil painting over the snow makes the three of us grin from delight.

"This is the fifteenth time I've traumatized a family! Why don't I feel anything?!" V complained, groaning from annoyance. The X on our faces all retreated, being replaced with our original set of eyes.

I put my set of class on her shoulder with a reassuring yet evil grin on my face. "Aw, don't worry, V. We can do much worse things with these workers on our next mission, 'kay?" I told her.

She nodded with a smirk. "All right, let's head back!" J said as they flew up in the air. I stayed back and turned to the batch of decapitated workers. I saluted and flew up with them.


We landed outside the pod, looking around for any sign of that idiot. I knew he was in the pod somewhere. "Idiot, get out here!" I shouted. V looked somewhere else, though. N then came out of the pod and stood in front of us.

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