- Heartbeat - 2

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The sound of rainfall and thunder ponders from outside. "We got to curb her trips to the dump," a man speaks to his friends as N is standing there with a suit and a platter to serve the men.

I was sneaking on them, listening in on their conversation. Luckily, that N boy never noticed me. "And where is she getting the hair to play dress-up with them? Creepy..." The man spoke before tossing his glass onto the tray.

N catches it gracefully without dropping any dishes. N throws the tray up in the air, bowing down in front of the man, before catching it and running off.

I ran just in time when they turned around. I ended up bumping into the same guy. He dropped his tray, everything spilling. The two of us screamed in unison. "Oh! I-I'm so sorry!" N started.

"I-its okay, I wasn't looking!" I reassured him, smiling. Our fingers touched, a spark emitted from the contact. The two of us blush and stare at each other, confused from what just happened.

N scratched the back of his head, looking away shyly before trying to say something. But J comes in and kicks him in the side. I covered my mouth and watched this go on. V was behind J.

"Move it moro- Hiii, Tessa...." J said, trying to play off what she just did to N. We all looked at Tessa. "Oh, no..." J said, knowing what the news is. "Another one?" J asked as the new servant stepped out from behind Tessa. Her eyes looked up at Tessa before laying them on N.

Her eyes... glitched? N appeared to be scared when he noticed who it was...


My lights lit up one-by-one, indicating that I was waking up. I woke up in cold sweat, panting. That girl... it's another one of those stupid memories. I heard something yell from outside and a crash. I didn't care much to ask.

"N! I found something in here!" Uzi shouted, hoping to get his attention since he was outside. Uzi was holding something in her hand. She then looked at the mirror, lifting up her bangs to show her eyes fully. The mirror broke.

"What the..." I trailed off, examining what just happened. One of her eyes turned into a symbol that seemed rather familiar. V was blowing bubbles. We were put into different chairs and chained there so we wouldn't move.

"That's weird and concerning," V said in a sarcastic tone. "Bite me! This is probably your weirdos fault," Uzi said, pointing at the two of us.

"Wow, assuming? That's just rude," I told her, crossing my arms and legs as my tail moved back-and-forth. "I've never seen that symbol before. Wanna do an autopsy to find out?" V threatened. I smirked and perked up, my tail moving faster from excitement.

That's until... he appeared. "What'd ya find?" He asked Uzi. I rolled my eyes. "Great... just what I needed," I spoke to myself. N looked at me for a moment before returning to look at Uzi.

Uzi stood up on a few cans and smacked the thing she was holding onto his hat before pushing the cans away. "Did you know that was a pilot hat?" Uzi asked him.

"I was the PILOT?! WHAT? THAT'S AWESO-" He stopped talking before realizing what he did. "I crashed and ruined everything... Spaceship pilot, origin story," N said, pointing gun fingers at V.

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