Butler! N x X - I'm Sorry... - 6.5

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One-shot is here! Hopefully, it didn't take too long, haha 😅


I peeked around the corner to see a bunch of men talking with one another, drinking from their glasses a butler served. "It's not like she could do anything. After all, we've locked her up, haven't we?" A man asked, swirling the liquid around in his glass.

"X?!" A person whisper-shouted at me. I stiffened, slowly turning around to see N. My lips formed a straight line as we just stared for a second. "W-what are you doing?" He asked me, seeming afraid and rather worried.

"Uh..." I trailed off, looking back at the men. "Nothing?" I told him, seeming unsure of what I was saying. He sighed and placed the tray of empty glasses on a table before walking up to me.

"You need to stop, I don't want you getting caught. Who knows what they'd do to you?" N spoke, putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked at his hand before back at him.

"Aren't you worried what they are planning?! They're probably going to - I don't know - use mind control on our brains? Kill us? Don't you think we should be a little careful?" I asked, proving my point.

N rolled his eyes from how paranoid I was being. "They wouldn't do that. We're their butlers, we're needed. Why would they throw away their own helpers?"

"You don't know what you're talking about..." I told him, glaring at him. Sure, I was being stubborn, but that's just my nature. Deal with it.

"I do. I'm sure we would all not be at risk if you stopped being nosy," N told me. "Most of all, I don't want to risk the chance of you getting hurt."

N took my hand and held it. I pulled my hand away, looking down. "I need to, for our sake, for Cyn's. They've been locking the poor girl up, don't you feel pity?" I asked him, shaking my head, confused.

"Hey! You!" A man shouted from the group. My eyes widened as my body stiffened, once again (I guess it's a thing X has when they get scared). I turned around and saw the men saw me.

"X..." N whispered, his voice hinting that he was afraid. "Y-yes?" I asked the man, turning around fully to face him. I put my hands together, gripping harshly from anxiety.

"Have you been there the whole time?" He asked, pointing at me. The other men were also looking at me, angered. I shook my head quickly, eyes widened.

"O-of course not! I was just... walking?" I told the man. N put a hand on my shoulder before walking in front of them. "It's not their fault. It was mine. I told them to listen in on your conversation. I'm sorry..." N told them.

... did he just... No.

"N, you didn't -"
"I should've seen this coming from you. That Cyn girl had an influence on you, correct?" The man cut me off, putting his hands on his hips.

"Wait, that's not -"
"Cyn didn't do anything. It was all me," N cut me off, glaring at me from the side of his eye. I looked at N and then the man.

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" I shouted, pushing N away. N hit the wall, looking at me, shocked. So did the other men. "I did it! I was sneaking in on your conversation. He's just trying to save my sorry ass!" I shouted, pointing at N as I glared at the men.

"Wait, I'm confused. So, who did it?" Some other man in the group asked. I rolled my eyes before pointing towards myself.

"Well, X. You've been rather quiet the past couple of days. It's rather obvious you probably did it. And you -" the man pointed towards N. " - will be punished for your dishonesty. Both of you will be put in the basement for a day."


J threw us in the basement, looking down at us as we fell. "J!" I shouted, angered still. "Sorry, X. Orders are orders. You know how it goes. Don't worry, I'll be back for you tomorrow," J said before closing the basement trapdoor.

I groaned, standing up and kicking some rusty wrench that was found on the ground. "Perfect! Just PERFECT!" I looked at N, angered from what he did. He seemed taken aback from my outburst.

"I had EVERYTHING under control! Yet you always find a way to drag yourself into it, screwing everything up! Now look at what you've done!" I shouted at him. N looked down, guilty for what he did.

"I'm sorry, X. I just wanted to help. I didn't mean to make things worse. I-I thought I could take the blame so that you wouldn't get in trouble. I didn't mean for this to happen..." N justified, hugging his knees up to his chest.

My eyes softened from his vulnerable state. Ugh, why does he make me feel worse... I hate seeing him sad. I sighed and rolled my eyes, keeping up a strong facade.

I walk up to N, sitting beside him, looking away. I could feel him looking at me, but he then looked away. Wait... Isn't Cyn supposed to be here? Whatever, as long as she's free, I guess...

I felt N put an arm around me, pulling me closer. Digital blush lines appeared underneath my eyes. I looked up at him, and he was still looking away, I could tell he was blushing, though.

"...I'm really sorry," N whispered, looking at me from the corner of his eye. I kept my gaze on him. I felt butterflies in my stomach, I wasn't used to being this close to him. But I... liked it?

"It's fine... I guess," I spoke, looking away. A smile was playing on my lips, though. It wouldn't hurt to stay like this, would it? I rested my head on his shoulder. He flinched, tensed from the sudden weight on his shoulder, but then relaxed, resting his head on top of mine.

Is it possible that... I like him?

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