- The Promening - 3

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It was a dark night at school after getting ready for the prom. All lights turned off, signaling that the school was closed for the night. A light flickered, revealing a picture of a girl on a missing poster. Not just one missing picture, but four.

A girl is seen panting as she ran for her life down the halls, looking behind her. She cried out when she bumped into a locker, holding her arm. Her glasses broke from something red... Red lightning was shown below her. She touched her glasses out of fear before taking them off, noticing they were broken.

She looked forward, the lights flickering on and off, revealing a girl. The girl squinted her eyes to see who was there. She put on her broken glasses, trying to see better. She notices a nearby surveillance camera turning on by itself.

The girl looked back to see what was in front of her to see... a girl? Red lightning was shown from her hand as she lifted her hand up, making a hand gesture that summoned an Absolute Solver symbol before closing her hand into a fist to gain power. She then puts her hand up in front of her towards the girl with the broken glasses, Absolute Solver insight... but red?

The broken glasses girl's arm moved on its own with something red controlling it. The girl with the Absolute Solver symbol stretched the girl's arm out, wanting it to rip. The girl moved her hand from one side before flinging it to the other, causing her arm to rip, making her let out a painful scream as her dismembered arm hit the wall.

The girl made an Absolute Solver symbol again as she approached the girl (let's just Absolute Solver girl AS). AS summoned two different weapons, a knife and a butcher's knife.

She chose the butchers knife, multiplying it into three and threw them all at the girl. The reflection of the butcher's knife allowed the girl to look at herself one more time before her death came.


A bug drank the oil on the floor of a house. That's until another bug came and hit the bug away, taking the oil for itself only. That's until the door opened. A girl came in stepping on the bug in the process of walking.

She flung her bag down and used her absolute solver to open it up and take out the stuff she needed. She flipped a pen that was in mid-air and took it as well as a piece of paper that said 'prom queen'. She crossed off a name. Her bag dripped with oil.

"Мам, Пап, я вернулась," the girl spoke. (I'm back, Mom, Dad). She looked at her parents who were sitting on chairs... full of bugs.


I woke up, chained to my chair. I groaned and rolled my eyes before looking at what V and N were looking at. Three frozen skulls with dapper clothing on them. "Hm... I do wanna be a dapper... but no!" N shouted, doing a dramatic pose.

"That's why you had me find these? We can't interact with the workers anymore, V. We're too dangerous..." N said, looking away, saddened. "Uh, exactly. We show up fabulous, the sad purple one let's us in, 'cause she has no friends, we kill everyone and pop their little heads off," V said.

"I like that plan!" I say, scaring the two. "Geez... you're so quiet," V told me, annoyed. I smiled awkwardly. "I'm not bringing you for prom-murder, V. J went hallo-spooky snake crab, and we maybe grew up in a haunted mansion!" N said. I looked down, not wanting to remember any memories from that place...

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