- Can We Talk? Please? - 2.5

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I sat outside, rethinking everything that happened. N as a hologram. Uzi seeing her dad's clone being pulled apart. Everything... I wish everything went back to how it used to be. J wasn't some robot who wanted revenge on us, N was still being an idiot, V wasn't trapped inside the landing pod, and Uzi just never coming into our life and making N rebel like an angsty teenager on a regular day.

I heard footsteps, hoping N just let V out. I didn't want to speak, nor see N. I don't know if he was a hologram, I'm sure as hell he would only come out here to tell me to go back in my chair.

"...X?" A male voice called out. I grit my teeth and hid my face on my knees. "Not here..." I replied, hoping that'd make him go away. Instead, he sat down beside me.

"I..." He tried saying something, but it never came out as he just trailed off on his sentence. "I'm sorry," he finally said. I looked at him, sitting up. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry? You didn't choose to become some hologram that I'm now afraid that you'll end up being fake and I end up pouring out my emotions over some stupid hologram," I rambled.

He looked at me with a sad expression on my face. "Look, I don't want you thinking that I don't like you, okay?" N said. I looked at him, confused.

"What do you mean? I never said that," I told him, crossing my legs. "It's pretty obvious you think I don't value you and only appreciate Uzi. The truth is, I appreciate both of you the same, no matter what. I hate seeing you two not trusting me because of some hologram-version of myself betraying you," he spoke truthfully.

"If I'm being completely honest, you're a jerk who makes fun of me everyday for not being as perfect as V and J," I scowled at what he said to me. "But, I can tell that you're improving. I know you care about Uzi, even if she is a worker drone."

I looked down to my lap, saddened. He was telling the truth. I couldn't be shown as vulnerable so I looked at him with an annoyed expression on my face. "Care?" I repeated before scoffing. "I wouldn't care about some worthless worker drone who's only with us because of you. I don't care about anyone on this planet! Because look at what you two did. You made us rebel against JcJenson and now we have a bad reputation which'll make us look like complete failures! Idiot!" I shouted, I tried slapping him, but he held my wrist, looking at me with the same saddened expression.

"JcJenson didn't like us in the first place. They were using us. I explained before but someone decided not to listen," N told me, now with an angered expression.

"I still don't forgive you for tying me up!" I shouted at him. "And I don't forgive you for putting a virus on me," he replied back. His expression then softened.

"Why are you hiding so much? I'm here trying to be a person you can rely on. A person you can trust. No matter what I do, you'll always think of me as some stupid metal-head who doesn't deserve to be a disassembly drone," N told me, letting go of my wrist and looking down at his knees.

My expression softened as I looked away. "I... I can't do that..." I told him. He looked at me, confused. "I can't tell anyone... anything. Not again. It just ended up disastrous... Dammit! Pull it together!" I shouted at myself, slapping myself to reboot.

Once my system rebooted, he put a hand on my cheek and made me look at him. "Why are you so hard on yourself...?" He asked me. I blushed a little and so did he.

"H-how am I supposed to act? A rough attitude always gets a job done. And if the job is completed, who cares about your own feelings? As long as everyone knows that you're the leader and you know what you're doing, you don't need to be checked up on or complimented since the powered drones are always doing their best... even if they feel their worst," I stated, pulling his hand away from my cheek and not meeting his eyes.

I blinked, realizing what I was saying. I groaned, putting my hands on my head. "I'm doing it again!" I shouted. I tried slapping myself to reboot again, but N held my wrist.

"Don't do that! From now on, I'll always be the one to check up on you. I'll always be here for you, even if it doesn't seem like I will. Just... be honest more, okay?" He said, making me look at him again, running a hand through my hair.

I blushed from his actions but enjoyed it. No, wait, this is vulnerabily, isn't it? Shit! I pushed his hand away and crossed my arms. "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm sure I can deal with life better without telling anyone anything super personal to the point I feel vulnerable! Vulnerability ALWAYS leads to destruction. Once they get you where they want you to be, they'll use that opportunity to hurt you! I won't let that happen!" I shouted, standing up.

"And YOU -" I pointed my stinger at him (the thing at the end of my tail). " - will not do anything like that!" I shouted. N looked at me, annoyed. He then stood up.

"Sounds like someone needs a hug..." He said. My eyes widened from that sentence, I waved my arms around. "NO! I-I DO NOT -" he hugged me anyways.

I blushed, not returning the hug, though. He then pulled away, holding my hand without me realizing it. "You okay, now?" He asked me with a smile and blush appearing on his face. I puffed a cheek out.

"Lay off..." I told him, flustered. I then looked at him after a few seconds. This smile he had on his face... it wasn't real. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Uh... X? You good?" He asked me. "N, you aren't smiling genuinely, are you?" I asked him, taking a step closer to him. "W-what do you mean? Of course it's genuine!" He said, digital sweat drops appearing.

"There's something bothering you, isn't there?" I asked him. He sighs and looks down, his grip on my hand tightened a little. That's until I realized we were holding hands. I didn't do anything to stop it though.

"It's about... Uzi," he said truthfully. "About the whole 'what are you things'?" I asked him, mocking her voice. He nodded and looked me in the eye. He had a sad expression on his face.

"How 'bout you go talk to her tomorrow? At night, of course. But I don't want to come," I told N, putting a hand on his shoulder. He blushed, noticing how close we were. I was oblivious to it though.

He smiled though, putting a hand over mine. I blushed from that. "Yeah... thanks, X," he said, letting go of my hand as he rested it on my waist. I was flustered from that and pushed him away. "WOAHH! Getting a little too comfortable!" I told him.

He was flustered as well. "I-I'M SORRY! I-I WASN'T THINKING!" He shouted, waving his hands around. I sighed and rolled my eyes, putting a hand on my hip. "It's... fine. I'm going to sleep. Chain me up if you want," I told him flying towards the entry way of the landing pod.

Before I went in, I looked at N. "N..." I called out softly. He looked at me. I placed a hand on the landing pod, not looking at him. "...thanks for talking to me... D-don't think of it as anything! I still hate you, you know?!" I shouted, not wanting him to think I like him.

"Yeah, I know. You're welcome anyways!" N said, waving at me. I smiled before climbing inside the landing pod.

That was... rather unexpected...

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