- Cabin Fever - 4

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N, V, and I had some uniforms that N chose to wear and were now flying to some cabin camp because Uzi said something about investigating it to find more about the AS girl.

"Did we have to do this?" I asked N, flying beside him. "Of course! We're going to be there for Uzi. It's our only opportunity to make sure she is kept safe at all times since she's a worker drone," N replied.

"I still wanted that bracelet that girl had yesterday..." I said, crossing my arms. N smiled warmly at me. "Aw, don't worry! I'll get you an even better bracelet!" N told me.

I looked up at him, blushing a little. I noticed he was also blushing. I moved in closer to him, avoiding eye contact. That's until V gagged. "Get a room!" She said, looking the other way.

"WHAT?!" N and I shouted. "I-it's not like that!" I shouted, waving my hands around. "Uh-huh? Then why are you two so close?" She asks, pointing at the two of us. We hesitantly separated.

"V, shut up, or I'll make you drink your own oil," I threatened. She thought about it. "Hm, I wonder how I'll taste like," V said. I groaned.

"We're here! Are you two ready?!" N exclaimed happily. "No," V and I said at the same time. "That's great! Let's go!" N said as we landed in front of them, making a crash, looking all scary as if we were about to kill them and drink their warm, sweet oil. It's not a bad idea.

"Welcome, campers!" N said happily, saluting them as we stood beside him. "Let's sound off!" N said, doing some weird trick with the clipboard. He began counting the students until realizing that all of them were scared.

I crossed my arms, as they should be. V shot one of them, finally getting them to pay attention. Everyone counted themselves as they saluted. "That's everyone!" He pulled up the clipboard to cover his face as he spoke to V. "...Minus one..."

"We've got so many distracting activities planned!" N exclaimed. "So no sneaking to investigate stuff," I spoke, looking at Uzi, who was all the way in the back.

Uzi blinked, realizing I was talking to her, and looked away shyly. "To the bunks!" N exclaimed excitedly as he began leading the way. No one was following as they looked scared.

"Sounds good, N!" Thad spoke up. "Anything for my besties!" Lizzy said as they walked, standing beside us. Lizzy, V, and I fistbumped as we stared at the others.

They seemed relaxed but then got scared once Uzi spoke. "Y-yeah, they're - like - my friends, too, so... it's cool," Uzi said as they ran away from her out of fear. Damn, hot topic, girl diss?

A girl took N's hand. "You can be our friend, little guy!" She spoke. I pushed N away, their hands disconnecting. "Back off, girl. He's off limits," I defended, hoping that sounded more friend-wise.

"Hey, you're kind of hot. Wanna be mine?" A guy asked, taking my hand and reaching to touch my cheek. I transformed my hand into a gantling gun and put it to his head, pulling my hand away from his.

"Touch me one more time, and I'll blow your head off, drinking your oil in front of your little friends. Okay, buddy?" I threatened as my eyes flickered to an X and then back. The guy backed away fearfully as he nodded and ran off.

"Hey... maybe try being nicer to people?" N whispered to me with a caring smile. "That guy tried hitting on me, and there's girls who want to hit on you!" I whisper-shouted, putting a hand on my hip.

"Yeah... but it's fine, right?" N asked, shrugging his shoulders. "No, and I won't let anything like that happen, sorry, buddy," I tell him, bumping my shoulder against his.

"Poor thing's defective," a guy said, poking V's eyes. V grabbed hold of his wrist, stopping him. That'd until we noticed the way Uzi looked at us. V let go of his wrist. "Nah, just full of love," she said, resting her head on her hands as her tail shaped a heart.

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