14 || his touch

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Emmalyn ⋆。°✩

It's only been a day since the incident and i've been in this hospital room ever since. The nurses won't allow me to return home, and i don't get any updates about Mateo.

All i can think about is him, and if i could, i would surely swap places with him.

The only reason they're keeping me here is so they can gather as many informations as they can get out of everybody. I've also been thinking about the man's words from the other day, but i still don't know who would do such a horrible thing just to hurt me.

The only person i can think of that would want to hurt me this bad is my dad, but would he really go this far?

I get on my phone and spend a little while scrolling through social media, until i find a website with the most recent informations about the school shooting.

"Shooter hasn't been located."

"High school __ shuts down..."

I put my phone down on the little table next to my bed right away, feeling nauseous every time i hear anything related to this incident.

A nurse entered in my room and Sarah followed behind her, with a big smile on her face as she set a tray of food on my bed.

I haven't eaten anything since the shooting, and the few times i did try, the food always ends up coming back out.

They run some tests and keep me company by chatting about a few things.

I was actually doing pretty okay; i had regained my strength and the wires that had been attached to my body finally had to come out, and lastly, i could walk properly.


After a few hours, i kept my hospital gown on, as the clothes i had on the couch were filthy and covered in blood.

I was ready to start preparing for a shower, but Sarah walked into my room, interrupting me.

"Hi! Your boyfriend, Mateo..he's finally been stabilised, which means all of his surgeries were successful and he's ready to begin this slow progress of healing. He however, hasn't woken up yet." My heart raced at every word she said, and i felt my inner self scream with joy.

There are no words to express how appreciative and glad i am to everyone that helped Mateo.

The term 'boyfriend' made me blush, but she can't really think that, can she?

Mateo's the most handsome and attractive boy i have ever seen, and i'm just, kind of weird.

"Oh! He's not my boyfriend but.. can i see him? Please?" i pleaded as my face was heating up.

"Oh sure thing he isn't." Sarah grinned and winked at me.

"It's forbidden, the hospital rules don't allow you to visit him yet," she sighed.

"But i'll make an exception for you." was all i needed to hear in order to quickly throw on my hospital slippers, ready to go.

I wrapped my arms around Sarah and thanked her over and over again. She patted my head and pulled me into an even tighter hug. She's the mother figure i need right now.

We walked by the hospital's weird and quiet white hallways, which made me feel less welcomed.

My hands shook as i stood in front of the room Mateo was inside, ready to turn the door handle.

"Go ahead, you've got 10 minutes." Sarah whispered from behind me and quickly walked away.

I was sweating profusely and my heart was racing in my chest. All i wanted to do was see him, but now i'm too afraid to do so. What if he hates me? I can't blame him. The only thing i felt was embarrassment and shame.

I took a deep breath, let it out, and opened the door. I found the same familiar loud beeping machine, which wires were attached to his body this time instead of mine.

My pulse was thumbing faster and my thoughts were getting louder the closer i approached.

Fuck. Even though he was severely injured and had pale skin, his gorgeous features were unaffected, and his hair miraculously rested perfectly on his face. Although he had a few minor scratches here and there, the doctors and surgeons professionally treated and covered the big injuries.

I hurried over to the little couch he shared in his room and gently interlinked our fingers with my hand. Guilt was eating me alive.

"Mateo..i-" i sighed and took a big breath.

"I'm sorry that you have to go through all of this pain and suffering because of me, i really wish you didn't block the bullet with your body to save me, and had let me suffer. The way it should've been since the start. I hope one day you can forgive me." i said and paused for a while.

"Fuck, it hurts so much seeing you suffer because of me. I'm really sorry, and i genuinely love and care about you so much. You and your stupid hair. You make it so easy to love you." i let out a sigh and gripped his fingers tightly.

After telling Mateo, i noticed the monitor was beeping more frequently, but i didn't give it much thought.

I rested my eyes, which were now full of tears and placed my head on his bed, near to his body as to not injure him further.

I felt his hands suddenly clasping mine, and i instantly looked up to see him, staring at me with those breath taking dark eyes and a faint smile.

I'm living a fucking movie.

I gasped a little and smiled at him, as my tears dropped on his body. I then hurriedly got up and raced outside the door to find Sarah, who was patiently waiting across.

"He's awake, he's awake!" i whispered excitedly and Sarah's eyes appeared to widen. She immediately contacted other doctors to check up on Mateo and see how he was doing.


A/N: word count: 1000
Shorter for tday!

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