Well That's Great

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"I remember... you, we were at the beach together one day, drunk," Dally spoke as his mind slowly retraced our memories. I was hoping that he remembered the sweet, amazing time we spent together, just the 2 of us that day. We had plans originally with the gang, but we decided to leave them alone and have a day together. Got some beer, and it lead to some things I didn't expect.

He continued, " And my mind goes blank for a bit, but then I see you laughing so hard you peed yourself." He chuckled. Well great. An embarrassing moment he remembers of me. My eyes rolled back to the back of my head and I flipped him off as I began to walk away. All I wanted to do was scream into my pillow and eat ice cream.

"Wait, Isabella hold on!"

I paused and slowly turned to face him.

"Yes?" I said as I turned around and gave him a cute sarcastic smile.

"Did you ever-" he paused to think and changed his words leaving me confused on what he was going to say.

"So we were actually good or close friends?"

"Yeah," I looked down at my shoes, scared to hold eye contact because if I did I would've lost control. "More like best friends actually until you decided to be a dick."

"Well technically you were the one who was a bitch to me first," he playfully responded.

Him trying to make a joke only crushed my soul a bit more. The sadness in my heart only grew bigger as I slowly came to realize I would never have him again. There would always be something in the middle seperating us from love or atleast happiness.

It was like heaven and hell. Two very different and unique worlds where they learn to cooperate without each other. Imagine 2 soulmates being seperated from one another, one goes into heaven and the other in the underworld. Because of being so far away, they adapt to their world, but once they meet they know they both have changed. One's an angel and the others is a demon. Complete opposites. Chaos is when an angel falls in love with a demon.

And nobody needs chaos in their life.

After a few days of sitting in my room and feeling sad for myslef, I decided that I needed to improve on myself and accept the challenge that fate has decided. Yes, my heart will always love Dally, but for right now, that feeling, the urge is going to be locked away for a bit.

I spent my time doing self-care and hanging out more with the gang and Ollie. It wasn't awkward and I gradually became closer to Soda and Johnny. They took my mind off difficult aspects and taught me to enjoy what's happening in the present and not on the past.

"Hey Johnny, I need a taste tester!"

"Ok!" Johnny shot up from the couch and sprinted into the kitchen.

"Holy beejezus ISABELLA! It's smells so delicious in here!"

I laughed at his cute amusement, "Thanks, ok tell me how these cakes and brownies taste." I gave him each a bite of each dessert. Johnny's eyes rolled so far that I think they saw his brain. He nodded his head quickly and stole another brownie.

"Hey!" I jokingly slapped the spatula on his hand as he shoved it all into his face.

"Swrry" he mumbled with his moutful, "its too good!"

Suddenly, all the boys rushed into the house at the same time and came into the kitchen.

"Hey cakes? Can you get me more ingredients from the store? I gotta feed all these hungry bitches now," I joked as they side eyed me.

"Yea ok!" he was walking towards the door.

"Johnny man take some money!" Dal's voiced boomed through the house. Johnny came back quickly into the kitchen and tokk the money.

"Be safe Cakes!" I yelled.

Little did I know those simple words failed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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