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Ji leaned over the table. He pouted his lips, pushing up his mustache. "Well?"

"He's out to get you," Wonwoo mumbled.

"Are you sure?" Lee asked. She was leaning against the door, staring at Wonwoo with her usual disdain. They were in a small room near the booking area, saved for private visits. If anyone asked, he was to say his uncle was visiting.


"What's he planning?" Lee asked.

Wonwoo shook his head. "I don't know. He mentioned a pop."

"A pop?"

"'The last thing he hears before his world comes crashing down, will be a pop.'"

"A gun, does he mean a gun?" Lee demanded.

"I don't know."

"Come on, Wonwoo."

"Look, it's not easy finding a way in."

"There's one in your face and one in your ass."

"Oi!" Ji grunted. He flashed an angry look at Lee. "None of that talk."

She rolled her eyes, then studied her nails.

Ji turned back to Wonwoo. "Does he want to kill me?"

"I asked, but he didn't answer. But... I think that's where his head's at."

Ji grunted. "He said a big bang. What if he doesn't mean a bomb, but a gun?"

"He's been involved with both illegal firearms, and bombs," Lee mumbled, "it could be either, but if he wanted you shot, surely..."

"Surely what?" Ji asked.

"He would've got someone to do it."

Wonwoo bit his lip. "I get the impression, that whatever he's planning, he wants to do it himself."

"Mingyu's after you," Lee said, "you've got to go into hiding."


"But Changwook—Inspector. You're in danger." Lee pushed off from the door and rushed over.

"I'm not in danger yet."

"He's threatening your life."

"He's still got eight months left," Ji argued. "It's enough time to gather evidence against him. The second he steps out of those gates, we'll arrest him again."

Lee pulled a pained expression and looked at Wonwoo. "Surely you can see this is madness."

Wonwoo shrugged. "It's the inspector's decision. He's got to own his choices."

Ji pressed his lips together and bobbed his head.

"Both idiots," Lee hissed.

She turned around and rushed out of the room. Ji got to his feet and called after her, but she didn't come back.

"Find out all you can, Wonwoo. My life depends on it."

"Yes, sir."


Wonwoo hurried through the wing to the gate that led to the yard. He sat down on a bench and clutched his side. The inmates were playing soccer again, the shirtless against the shirted. He leaned back and watched them play. They hooted, they celebrated, and sometimes they pushed their chests together and started a fight. The guards outside beat their batons on the wall and threatened to take the ball away.

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