"Hope you've got something for us..." Lee mumbled.
Wonwoo bit his lip. "I heard him on the phone."
"And?" Ji grunted.
"I didn't hear who was on the other end, but they were talking about Park's farm. Mingyu wants someone to buy it, perhaps a piece of the land or something."
"Did you hear any figures?"
"He said 250,000, could've been talking money, could've been talking about the minutes until he's out. I don't know for sure."
Lee shook her head. "Park's farm? Who the hell is Park?"
Wonwoo finally pulled his gaze off the table and looked at Ji. His mustache was patchy, his skin was pale, and when he wiped his hand down his face, Wonwoo noticed his wedding band had gone.
"I know who Park is," he muttered.
Lee gawped. "Who?"
"He has a farm near my house, owns the fields behind my garden." Ji gritted his teeth. "Bastard..."
"You think he's buying the farm?" Lee asked.
"Why the hell would he do that?"
"To torment me, to run his shady deals opposite me."
Lee looked at Wonwoo. "You need to get that phone."
"He doesn't keep it in the cell. The guards have searched it twice more since I last saw you, and it's not there."
"Well, he's keeping it somewhere!"
Ji picked at his mustache. "Did he say anything else, any hint who he was telling to buy the farm?"
Wonwoo shook his head. "No, that was all he said, and I haven't heard him on the phone again."
"Shit," Ji hissed, pushing back on his chair. It clattered to the floor, and he glared at it. "I've gotta stop whatever he's planning."
"That's the problem," Lee muttered, throwing her hands up in the air. "We don't know what he's planning."
"You gotta get hold of that phone," Ji said.
"I don't know how."
Lee snorted. "You must be 'close' enough now, ask him to use it."
"You're friends, aren't you? Buddies with a monster?"
Wonwoo flared his nostrils. "I can't ask to use it—he'll want something in return."
"Then give it to him."
"Lee," Ji growled, "that's not funny."
"Wasn't trying to be funny."
"I'll try, okay?" Wonwoo said.
"Do more than try," Lee snapped. "Get that phone."
Wonwoo hung his head low as he was escorted back to the wing. He released a slow sigh and waited for the gate to clunk. He'd been there three months, and each week that passed, he felt more and more like a fraud. A fraud to Beomgyu who waited eagerly for him to come back, a fraud to Captain who worked hard to train him up, a fraud to Mingyu who made him smile and offered his protection with no catch, and a fraud to the inspector who helped him in his moment of crisis. His heart and mind, and cock were tripping over each other, and he was betraying them all.