During the first week, the hardest part about being inside had been the fear. The fear that he'd get found out, the fear that Jaesuk would corner him. The fear someone would hurt him. It had come true, but he didn't feel fear anymore. Jaesuk still shot him interested looks, Mingyu still scared him sometimes, but the fear had gone. Instead, it was the boredom that drove Wonwoo mad.
Most of the inmates busied themselves in the gym or boxed, or played soccer. Wonwoo tried to train with Captain, but after ten minutes he was out of breath, and pain throbbed in his side. Captain patted his shoulder, then went to help Hajoon lift weights.
Wonwoo ended up limping back to the wing and collapsing on the same uncomfortable chair he had sat in day after day. He read books, he ate, he talked to Captain and Beomgyu, and he watched the one-hour allowance of TV, all in the same spine-aching plastic chair.
Then Mingyu would come over with the chessboard, and for a few hours they would play. They smiled in amusement, and triumph. They frowned and huffed in frustration. They mocked each other and jeered. Wonwoo hated to admit it, but he found it fun, and he looked forward to their matches.
Beomgyu slipped into the chair opposite Wonwoo. Captain's chair.
"And you're sitting there because?"
"I can see the gate."
Wonwoo glanced back. "There's nothing going on at the gate."
"Jungkook comes back on the wing today."
"Has it only been two weeks?" Wonwoo groaned.
"Feels like months have dragged by."
"You gotta get used to it, you're here for eight years."
"Kill me now," Wonwoo muttered.
"I forgot to tell you, I signed us up for art class."
"Art class."
"Why the hell did you do that?"
Beomgyu gestured to Wonwoo slumped in his chair. "Always moaning you're bored, so I took the initiative. We're doing art class."
Jaesuk paused at their table. "Art class, sweetheart?"
"So what?"
"I know what to sign up for now, that's all."
"Do what you want."
"That an invitation?"
"Go away," Beomgyu hissed.
"I will, but I'll see you at art class. Maybe you can be the nude model, Wonwoo, but for my eyes only."
He winked, carrying on to his table, and sat down with his group of inmates. They'd all started wearing red bandanas, and when he asked Mingyu about it, he said not to worry.
Wonwoo spotted Mingyu coming down the stairs. He threw a venomous glare at Jaesuk and walked straight to Wonwoo and Beomgyu. He placed the chessboard he'd been holding on the table, sitting on the opposite side of the table from Wonwoo.
"What did he say to you?"
"Said he was gonna sign up for art class."
"Art class?"
Beomgyu nodded. "Yeah, I signed me and Wonwoo up."
"I guess I'll be doing that class, too... again," Mingyu sighed.