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Wonwoo tucked his nose under the sheet and breathed deeply. He was half asleep and didn't process what he'd done until he heard a soft laugh. He opened his eyes and saw Mingyu brushing his teeth by the sink.

"You slept on the top?" he whispered.

"There's not enough room for both of us on one, and you looked too content to move you, and you're sniffing my sheets like you're snorting a drug."

"No, I'm not."

"Yeah, you are. It's cute."

Wonwoo pressed on his lips, feeling the slight puffiness.

"I got carried away last night. Once I was kissing you, it was near impossible to stop."

"Thank you," he whispered.

Mingyu turned back to the sink and finished brushing his teeth.

"What's happened since I was in solitary?"

"Jaesuk's still not back on the wing. I heard you broke his nose... and suddenly there's a lot less bandana-wearing inmates."

"How's Beomgyu been?"

"Eagerly waiting for your return."

Wonwoo scrubbed his hands over his face. That wasn't what he wanted to hear.

"But Green, Dongho, and Jungkook have been distracting him as best they can."


"Yep. He's good at pool—the inmates have started betting on him. Captain's been asking about you, too, wanted to know what the fight was about."

"What did you tell him?"

"Nothing. It's up to you if you want to talk about it or not."

"And you?"

Mingyu turned towards him. "Against my better judgment, have been worried about you, and worried about what'll happen on Friday."


"I get out of here, and I leave you behind."

The lock clunked, and Mingyu flicked his gaze at the door. "Come on, time for breakfast."


Beomgyu gave Wonwoo a tight hug, pulling him down on his chair. "Are you okay?"

"Not really."

"That girl—"

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"What was solitary like?"

He glanced at his purple and blue hands. "Not fun."

"You launched at Jaesuk like a flaming tiger."


The incident was all a complete blur, a carousel of color, sound, and sensation that made no sense.

"I don't remember too much about it."

"I don't wanna wrestle with you anymore, afraid I'll unlock the beast."

Wonwoo laughed and shook his head. He looked up at the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"Can I sit here?"

Wonwoo nodded at Captain, and he placed his tray down on the table.

"You not getting yours?"

"I usually go at the end of the line."

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