"The last time I did papier-mâché was when I was ten," Wonwoo muttered.
Beomgyu snorted. "It's better than sitting in the wing and doing nothing."
"True. All I do is think about the mess of my life, and it's depressing."
"Well, you're fun this morning..."
Mrs. Cha clapped her hands for everyone's attention, yet again no one listened, and it was the deep boom of the guard's voice that shut them all up.
"Those that started last week, come and collect your balloons from the front."
Beomgyu bolted out of his chair in a flash. He got his balloon, half covered in newspaper, and hurried back to his seat.
"I mean, you'll need to blow up a bigger balloon than this one."
"Why?" Wonwoo asked.
"Your head's massive."
He pinched Beomgyu's thigh, and he jumped out of his chair. "Asshole."
"Surely there's easier ways of making masks, you know... card and string."
"Anyone can do that."
"But slapping newspaper on a balloon is harder somehow?"
Beomgyu laughed. "It takes longer. Anything to eat away at time."
"I guess..."
Mrs. Cha started handing out bowls of paste. "Mingyu, can you mix up some more?"
He nodded and went to the front of the class. Wonwoo noticed the bandana-wearing inmates were all staring his way, never letting Mingyu out of their sight. He tried to push the worry aside, but he felt the tension in the air. Something was brewing.
Wonwoo wrinkled his nose at the bowl passed to him. "Looks like algae."
"That reminds me—I beat Green at pool yesterday."
Beomgyu nodded. "Dongho says I'm getting good."
"You've only been playing for a week."
"Endlessly playing, at any opportunity," Beomgyu corrected. "And Jungkook's teaching me poker, so I'll be kicking your ass at that, too."
"What about chess?"
Beomgyu groaned. "No, thanks, but maybe in a few years' time I'll change my mind."
Wonwoo didn't say anything back, and Beomgyu grinned, a soft laugh leaving his lips. "The way I see it is that I can either sit around, thinking about how my life turned to shit, or I can keep as busy as possible, and not think about it."
Wonwoo lowered his head. "Still no replies?"
"None. My brother doesn't want to see me, and I don't blame him. Maybe when I get out of here, he'll give me the chance to explain."
Mrs. Cha walked between the tables, handing out newspapers. She grinned at Beomgyu, and he grinned back.
"Such a teacher's pet."
The insult made Beomgyu's grin wider. "Literally the first time anyone's ever called me that, and I don't know why it's a bad thing." He slid the newspaper to Wonwoo. "You start tearing."
"Yes, officer Art police."
"Teacher's pet I don't mind, but art police, I'm not a fan of."
"Why not?"
Beomgyu shrugged. "The police, everyone hates them in here, I don't want someone to overhear and think..."
"Think what?"