Ji clicked his fingers in front of Wonwoo's face. "Earth to Wonwoo!"
"Sorry, what?"
"You've barely said anything today."
Wonwoo glanced at Ji, then at Lee. "I've got a lot on my mind."
"Well, get rid of it," she scoffed. "There's only one thing that should be on your mind, and that is taking down Kim Mingyu."
Wonwoo bobbed his head. "I heard him on the phone. Some guy called Hansol. He told him to put it all in his storage depot, wait till he was out."
"Any idea what he was referencing?" Ji asked.
"No, not a clue."
"We'll put Chwe Hansol under surveillance."
"Chwe Hansol?"
Lee nodded. "Before Mingyu went inside, they worked together. He was one of Mingyu's crew."
"Another scumbag that makes money out of death and destruction," Ji muttered.
"Do you have anything else for us, anything at all?"
Wonwoo picked at his nails. "There's a gang forming in the prison."
"A gang? Mingyu's getting a gang together?" Ji asked.
"No, against Mingyu. It's growing in numbers. I don't know what they're planning, but I know it's not good."
"Good?" Lee laughed, "Surely it's bloody great. Maybe this gang will sort out Mingyu before he has a chance to step out the gate."
"I don't want him dead," Wonwoo spat.
"It'll solve all our problems."
Ji sighed. "I actually agree with Wonwoo. I don't want Kim Mingyu to die. I want him to take ten paces out of this prison, then get arrested by me, and taken straight to the station. Whatever happens once he goes back inside, that's not my problem."
Wonwoo tapped his finger on the table and opened his mouth to speak, but the words didn't come out.
"What is it?" Ji asked.
"I can't stay in here much longer."
"Why not?"
He thought of Beomgyu. "I'm gonna end up hurting people, people that don't deserve to be hurt."
"Hurting who?"
"Beomgyu, the guy I came in with."
Ji rubbed his sparse mustache. "Murdered his father in a frenzied attack."
"He's come to rely on me, and the guilt's starting to eat away at me. The longer I'm here, the more it'll hurt when I go."
"Push him away then."
Wonwoo scrunched his face. "I can't do that."
"You are not here to make friends, you're here to spy on Kim Mingyu."
"And I have. I've given you information."
"Not enough," Ji growled. "You owe me, remember? The favor I did for you?"
Wonwoo bit the inside of his cheek.
"What favor?" Lee asked curiously.
Wonwoolooked up at Ji and shook his head, but all compassion had gone from the inspector's eyes.
"Wonwoo shouldn't even be a police officer."
"He failed his entrance exam repeatedly."