1-eugh, school.

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Tossing and turning to the voice of my mother I open my eyes groggily

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Tossing and turning to the voice of my mother I open my eyes groggily.

"Enikő sweetie, get up please!" My mother shouts in a gentle meant tone.

"Oh for fucksake.." I mutter lowly as I roll onto the floor out of bed. I could not be bothered for this at all. Especially in France, god, how I did hate the French!

I go into my bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. Quickly I wash myself and decide on what to do with my face and hair today. Rushing slightly, I go to my closet and groan, what to wear? My eyes land on a white laced dress, not too long, not too short(sadly.) I pick it out smirking, was I a bit extra? Yes. Did I care? No. Slipping on the dress as I pulled it over my chest I hummed lightly. I was actually in a good mood- for once. After I sat down at my vanity, washing my face carefully. Time for makeup. I look into my own eyes through the mirror blankly, the depression in me surging my stomach.

Shaking, I lift my eye pencil and do my eyeliner, in my waterline then I do a dark wing aggressively as I pray I get it even. Staring deeply into my Brigitte Bardot poster, she was my idol, stunning, and carried herself well. After my liner, I gently pat some dark black eyeshadow at the ends of my eyelid and apply light blue shadow at the front of it, I grab a brush hastily, blending it out. Then slowly, to make it perfect, I apply my fake lashes using my fingertips. Woah, good makeup day for once in life.

After that, I pat powder onto the pale foundation(genuinely think I was a ghost in some other life.) that I'd applied earlier. Finishing the look quickly, my hand reaches for my red lipstick. I put it on in a smooth motion.

Gosh now for hair! I mean, I had time, I just like to stress myself out so... Looking again at the Brigitte Bardot poster for inspiration, I grab a black bow and set it to the side really quickly. Fighting with my hair I set it up high and volumed. Perfect. To add the final touch of glamour I tie in the black ribbon. Now I'm ready.

Proud, I stand in front of my mirror spritzing myself delicately with perfume. Gorgeous- at last! Grabbing my bag set to the side swiftly I run out and close my bedroom door.

Getting a harsh yell from my mother in return,
Oops. I run down the stairs and my mother just shakes her head,
"Are you going to a runway show or school?"

"Why not both?" I reply back earning a sigh laugh from my mother.

Putting my plate in the sink I kiss my mother goodbye, getting onto my white pristine bike. A bow set at the front basket.

The air hits my face as I cycle through the trails of nature, spotting the town entrance in the distance. It was quite pretty, especially for France. After about a five minute cycle through town, the school appears in front of me. I lock my bike against a pole and cross the road carelessly to the school gate. Feeling brave I walk in, head held high.

Nevermind, I was no longer feeling brave. Maybe the whole girl thing was a prank, for there were not another female in sight. All the boys' eyes trailed me. Ew. One boy sat on a bench with two others aside him, seeing me he leaned forward. I heard his voice sound out,
"She looks just as if she's Brigitte Bardot's twin,"
I smile deep inside, before my face deadpanning- turns out he didn't finish his sentence.
"Haha, could she be our school's sex symbol?" He finishes laughing with a rough tone.

What the actual fuck. Annoyed already I look up and stare him down,
"Fucking disgusting French boys. I swear." Yeah everyone then gave me incredulous looks but did I care at this point? No- not really.

Feeling like an icon I now strode up to the class boards, searching for my home room. I had someone called Madame Giraud.A boy, chubby and pink faced sighs.

"What's wrong with you?" I say raising a brow.

"Oh, I have Bluebeard for home room!" He complains pointing to the same teachers name I had- oh shit. Was I already doomed??

"Is she that bad..?" I say now testing luck.

"Yes." He replies flat toned.

"Well isn't that fucking great!" I say sarcastically rushing my fingers through my hair as he flinches at my language but then chuckles a bit.

Turning my head, I see two girls coming up to me.

"Oh thank god! We thought we were the only girls," a girl with a black bob said. God bless her, for that haircut was horrifying.

"Haha, well what's your names? I'm Enikő." I say acting nice.

"I'm Simone." the bob cut girl replied.

"Michèle." The blonde girl responded.

We chatted for a few minutes, turned out they were in the same room as me, stuck with Bluebeard, they called her?

With more time passing by, the start of school edged nearer. By now all girls had arrived, another girl, looking like a replica of Brigitte Bardot her self as well, appeared. I don't know what came over me but I nodded bye to Simone and Michele and rushed to the girl.

"Hey what's your name?" I asked, gosh I could use a friend like her.

"Annick." The girl responds smiling lightly.

"I'm Enikő, and might I add your gorgeous- not to be weird though!" I say adding the end bit on quickly, not wanting to be a creep.

Annick and me had a lot in common it turned out, we both did enjoy education and more. I had made her make a pact with me to be best friends at this place, cause in my words,
"I am not getting stuck with annoying people."
To which she laughed and agreed. That one boy on the bench still had his eyes on me. Now burning into me and Annick's soul.

Ignoring the cruel remarks, and harassment thrown at us. Me and Annick made our way to where a whole announcement ceremony was on. It was basically the Vice Principal, Bellanger, telling the boys to show manners. He was already in my good books.

The bell rang signalling time for classes, uh oh. Here comes "Bluebeard".

Oh God, how I hate himWhere stories live. Discover now