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Tossing over, my eyes trace to my alarm clock. 5:30am. Ugh. Might as well get up. Dragging myself out of the bed I walk into my bathroom. I grab my moisturiser finishing off my face care. I have a bad feeling, like something bad is going to happen today.

Sitting down at my vanity I pull out my fake lashes drawer, applying on a curled pair with my finger tips(lash glue sticking to them, yuck!) As I grab my hair brush a sudden deep feeling goes through me again. Was I being haunted? Finishing off my hair pulled up into half up and half down style with a navy blue ribbon, I hear a yell.

"Enikő, breakfast!" My mother calls me.

Quickly grabbing my bag and- oh yeah- I had to speed get changed. I quickly pulled on a black lace tied skirt with white stitches, and put on a black and white laced halter top. Perfect! Rushing down the stairs I sat down at the table, bag now slamming onto it. I sit as I grab a piece of toast- woah this toast is good- wait no, I have school to get to.

"Bye mum!" I say standing up finishing my toast as I hug her. I run outside spinning for a second, life was like a movie to me. You had to make every second count. I walked down the lane to where my bike was set, hopping on it I cycle to school. The wind breezed against me, my hair flying back, I laughed. I had never felt so refreshed! Pulling up to the school gates, I set my bike beside Annick's, she was always there early.

I walk through the gate instantly feeling eyes on me- I look up and see Joseph- Nevermind, an eye on me. Awkward under his gaze I walk over to Annick who's sat on a bench under a tree.

"Hey girl!" I say happily radiating joy as I plop down beside her.

"Hi, haha what's got you so happy?-oh, he's looking at you again." Annick says cutting her question off nodding her head pointedly towards Joseph. "Don't let it bother you, focus on your studies." She finishes.

"Yeah trust me, I hate him anyways haha!" I say through gritted teeth, did I?

The bell rings signalling us to go in, first class today is something to do with I don't even know. The teacher starts off,
"We are going to be doing an Exposé, in pairs. I choose," a groan was heard throughout the classroom. "Pichon and Annick," he says half way through,

"Haha Pichon is pink, like a pig!" Dupin interrupts causing an eruption of laughter.

I let out a cackle but quickly stop because,
"Enikő and Joseph." The teacher says.

"Excuse me?" I ask flabbergasted- (haha that's a funny word).

"You and Joseph work together." He replies coldly.

I look back and Joseph's friends are nudging him smirking, Joseph just does a stupid grin as he turns his head, quickly stopping when I make eye contact with him.

At break I went over to Joseph and his friends. He seemed distant after the accident.

"Hey, Jean Pierre's allowed to stay you know?" I start off.

His friends and him all turn to me.

"Yeah I know." He says bluntly, "I'm sorry. For you know, the water thing." He finishes looking away.

"Nah it's fine, well no !-it's not- that was really weird. But I don't really care it's fine. So uh are we working at my house or yours, for the project? And when?" I ask, genuinely nosy.

"Come to mine, after school. I'll walk with you there of course." He answers, his friends grinning watching.

"Right okay, bye." I nod as I turn off.

The day couldn't have went by any faster, the one person to be paired up with, Joseph Descamps. Annick laughed at my stressed state in class, the final period. Now I have to go to quite literally the devil's house(okay maybe that was dramatic. But you get it!). The bell rung, shit. I stood up and left with Annick, I waved her goodbye as she walked onto where her bike was. I walked over to Joseph, he was stood beside my bike.

"You ready?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I reply quickly.

Silence then develops. Nervously I pad my feet to the ground, my bike in hand beside me. Soon enough- well actually no, it took about 12 minutes. I was at his house, Joseph Descamps' house.

"You can leave your bike there." He said to me, pointing at the wall in his garden now.

"Okay, thanks." I say as I leave it there. I now trail in behind him, he opens the door to the house, ooh fancy, it's a more brown styled old money home. Gorgeous.

"Oh hi honey- whos this? Oh gosh she's gorgeous !" A woman- I assume his mother- with dark, black hair says smiling.

"My partner for a project, Enikő." Joseph answers as he smiles at his mother.

"Hello, nice to meet you Mrs Descamps." I say comforted by her friendly tone.

"Can I get you anything, oh your so pretty. We have to chat! Do you model!?" She says very happy clearly.

"Oh I'm fine for now. Thanks-and yeah I do model, I came here just for that." I smile at her.

Joseph raises a brow at that, a shocked look on his face. "Uhm mother we're going to go upstairs to work on the project. You can chat to Enikő later. Bye." He says as he begins a trek up the stairs.

"Bye!" I call to his mother kissing her cheek as a greeting. I follow up behind Joseph, going into his room I take my shoes off.

"What should we do?" He asks me as he sits on the floor, I sit across him.

"Well it's an exposé, correct? So what's a famous scandal? I say the Katyn massacre, when the Soviets killed over 22,000 Polish officers and tried to cover it up." I quickly geek on, "sorry, I find war interesting." I add on sheepishly.

"No that's Uhm, impressive, sure let's do that." He replies to me.

About 15 minutes in I notice Joseph's eye lingering on me, not even bothering to work.
I stand up, clear in front of him.

"Wait- what are you doing?" Joseph questions me concerned.

"Do you want to see me, you keep staring. Focus on the work after this." I say annoyed.

"Wait what- no." Joseph instantly claims looking away.

Carefully I untie my top, letting it fall off, and I slide down my skirt. My red and black laced lingerie set on full show.
"Look." I demand.

Joseph looks, raising his brows, his face blushed. His eye scans my body. I watch as he shakes his head looking away.
"God.." he whispers.

The rest of that was quiet, apart from the occasional interruptions of Joseph's mother.
Finally I looked at his clock, 10:23pm. I gather my stuff,

"I should go now." I state. He nods as he gets up too.

I walk down to his front door, his mum hugging me softly.
"Goodbye sweetie! Please do come again, gosh us girls need to talk more!" She gushes.

"Haha, trust me I'll be back anyway to finish the project with him. We can talk more then, goodbye and thank you for having me." I smile politely- God that woman was so energetic!

"Goodbye, be safe." Joseph said looking away.

"Bye!" I smile as I turn and walk out the door, I get on my bike and cycle off.

I loved the night, the pitch dark sky surrounding me as I cycled on. Finally I saw the lights of my house. Propping my bike up I walked in. I explained to my mother I had a project, let's just say she wasn't too overjoyed with the partner.

"Him? You have got to be fucking kidding me! They paired you with him, knowing what happened!" She screams, her rough accent coming through. I grimace.

"He apologised before, plus his mother loves me," I laugh. "She treated me as if a daughter."

"A daughter? A daughter in law... is there something that I should know about?..." my mother asks curiously but with a grin.

"Oh shush!" I say swatting at her as I walk up stairs, going towards my room.

I sit at the edge of my bed for a while, grasping my sheets. Why did two people already think something of me and Joseph? Who cares anyways. He's just a project partner...

Oh God, how I hate himWhere stories live. Discover now