4- Me, climb a rope? Never.

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I woke up at exactly 5:45am on the dot. I rolled onto the floor, a thud sounding.

"Ow!" I cried out grabbing my shoulder.

I sat down on the stool in front of my vanity, ew. I have PE today. Well wait actually, my outfit for PE is cute... A tight fit white t shirt and mini blue shorts, adorable! Smiling now, I do my winged liner and darken my eyes, adding a hint of white glitter. How Madame Giraud hasn't caught me yet, I don't know. For I've saw her scream at some other poor girl, like stay mad because you're old.

Finishing off my makeup with powder I toss on a white baggy triangle cut-like top. I slide on my mini white lace skirt with pink bows on it. I tie my hair up, placing a ribbon in the back of my ponytail. Stunning! I kiss the cross on my wall as I rush down stairs, bag slung over me. I eat my breakfast as I go back up to my bathroom, wash my teeth, then leave.

"Deep down in Louisiana, close to New Orleans..." I sing to myself with a hum as I walk to my bike patting it as if some dog to thank. I hop on and begin my cycle to school.

Arriving at school, I walk over to Annick with a big grin on my face.

"Have you seen Alain Deloin in the latest magazines! Oooh he could get it!" I fantasise out loud.

"What about me?" A voice sounds, I turn around, it's Joseph.

"Hah, in your dreams." I say with a slight teasing smirk. He just shrugs.

"We'll see about that." With that he walks off.

"Is there something I should know?" Annick asks blankly raising a brow between me and Joseph's back walking away.

"Oh Gosh no, hah, it's just jokes." I say with a slight- no not slight- fully nervous tone. Thankfully, Annick just brushes it off.

"Excited for Pe?" I ask her mockingly as I walk alongside her to the school entrance.

"Eh it's alright." She replies shrugging.

"Fair enough." I just say bored as we walk the hallways, people staring us down.

The whole of classes I would steal glances at Joseph, him staring back at me. It was clockwise, I'd look, he'd look, I'd turn around. God this was tiring. I didn't even know what to do. The bell snapped me out of my thoughts. Great, PE time.

Us girls had to change in some dirty unused room, sliding off my top I pull my school one on, it highlighted my chest due to its compression ability. Annick had the same issue as me. Great, fashion just hates big chested girls. I pull up my navy shorts and even better, they go pure up me.(who'd complain though?)

"Please walk in with me at the same time, power duo!" I ask Annick fluttering my lashes.

"Oh god,don't you start!" She said eye rolling at me.

Grabbing her arm- I seem to do that a lot I think. We dander off down the halls, seeing Michèle and Simone speaking to Jean Pierre(found out his name),Michèle's brother. He has a disciplinary meeting for the whole Descamps' thing. If anything he did the right action, so why he's busted out in trouble?Don't know. I just walk past them all, going into the gym. I slowly regretted the choice of this school. All the boys looked at me and Annick, eyes tracing our body. I roll my eyes and Annick just shakes her head to me.

Joseph speaks,
"You look better when you're wet, Enikő."

"What?" My face drops, that was so hot. His voice sending a shiver through me.But I had to act mad as Annick looked at him gagged.

He grins,
"You heard me, doll."

"Eugh." I say faking annoyance. The things he could do to me.

The PE teacher then walks in, starting the boys off to play football.

"Yeah the girls just don't exist." I say sarcastically eyeballing the teacher.

"Oh. Forgot about you lot. Uh, just get a soft mat and climb that rope." This middle aged man says audacious.

"Me, climb a rope? Never." I reply back hands on my hip. "Let me play football too, with them." I say pointing towards the boys who look at me as if I was doing backflips or something.

"I- what? No it's dangerous!" The man argues.

Annick starts to sweat her forehead ,looking at me with a look that says 'so God help me you argue with this man.'

"Hardly, climbing that stupid rope would be even more dangerous. Let me play." I argue back.

"Well, fine. If you get hurt, you get hurt!" He shrugs confused at my forcefulness.

I walk towards the boys side of the hall now, the whistle blowing, signifying the beginning of the game. I rush towards the ball, tackle Applebaum and dodge the others. At about 3 minutes in, I score.

"And that's how it's done, boys!" I yell proudly as Michèle, Simone and Annick clap for me.

The game continues on and I end up scoring 6 goals total for my team, us winning. The boys became to welcome me more. Felbec nodding a 'well done.' to me. I walk over to Annick as she compliments me.

"Wow, never knew you were quite the footballer." She says laughing.

"Just that pro,you know!" I say back smirking.

We walk into the musty room again, yuck! Michèle and Simone say how well I did and how I'm so lucky to look the way I do.

"No seriously, Enikő. The boys can't keep their eyes off you, your body and face and hair. You're so pretty!" Simone whines.

"Haha, oh stop it you two are pretty as well, trust. And Michèle I believe Laubrac likes what he sees about you." I wink playfully as I pack my bag and leave, a cliff hanger tension in the room.

"Were you serious?" Annick asks me as we walk to leave school.

"Huh? I question.

"About Laubrac." She finishes.

"Yes, I see the look of adoration in his eyes, like Pichon to you. It's gorgeous. I love love!" I scream jumping up earning a chuckle from Annick.

"You love everything, Enikő." She stares blankly.

"So what? That's not a bad thing, is it? Race you to our bikes!" I reply breaking out into a sprint towards our bikes. I hear footsteps padding behind me.

I beat Annick by about a second.

"Haha I'm better!" I say cockily joking.

"Totally." Annick rolls her eyes at my childish behaviour.

"Anyways bye, see you tomorrow." Annick smiles as she gets on her bike.

"Bye!!" I call after her.

I get on my bike careful not to hurt myself in anyway, I hated bruises. They made me feel dirty. Riding through the country lanes to my house I smiled. The breeze hitting my face. It made me truly, for once in my life, appreciate life. Cycling on I laughed, my hair flowing back into the wind. Pulling into the lane up to my house, I set my bike to the side carefully, in a safe spot.

"Mother I'm home!" I call through the door.

"How was PE?" My mother asks me later over dinner.

"It was alright, I kind of fought the teacher to get to play football. He was making us girls climb a rope." I say rolling my eyes irritated thinking back to that man.

"You,Climb a rope? Never." My mother says laughing.

My dad rolled his eyes at us, finishing with my food I kiss my parents goodnight. I walk up the stairs, going into my room. I flop down onto my bed, sinking into my soft sheets. Grabbing my record box, I search through it, finally finding Brigitte Bardot's songs. I set the record in as I look at myself in the vanity, I decide to shower as I had PE.

After walking out of the shower, my skin boiling. My eyes search my room as I pick up a gown, pulling it around me. I wash my face and brush my teeth and say my nighttime prayers. Praying for a good day tomorrow.

Ew, I have Latin tomorrow.

Oh God, how I hate himWhere stories live. Discover now