3-Staying for Good

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I locked my bike outside the school, rushing to the wall of it.Annick worried me on how us girls may be getting forced to leave. I sighed. It was either this school or none for her and I felt horrible.

"I'm sure they'll get it sorted. It's that boy Descamps' fault!" I argue to her.

"I know, Enikő. But watch them blame us females for existing!" Annick replied back angered.

We sat around on the wall outside of school, I had on a red laced top with a matching red skirt. My hair tied back, half up half down,a dark, navy hairband completing my look.

Gossip began, of Joseph.
"He's hardly going to come in,he lost an eye-" right before I could continue in my fed up tone.
I saw him.

Joseph waltzed in, frustration evident in his face. He was gorgeous- no wait what? This is Joseph Descamps I'm thinking about, what's wrong with me!? He stared into my soul with his eyes, oops, eye, I mean. I look back raising my eyebrows.

"Enikő? Are you alright?" Annick questioned concerned. I had zoned out.

"Im fine. Oh look, class has started, let's go." I motion to Annick as we jump off the wall and walk in.

Class goes by smooth, not a word to be said, or a thing to be done. Just as me and Annick are walking out of school together we hear a familiar voice and look back confused.

"Annick! Enikő!" It's Mrs Couret.

"Yes Mrs?" I ask first curious.

"Girls are allowed to stay, you both can stay!" She yells beaming with clear joy.

"Seriously!" "Really?" Me and Annick ask at the same time overcome with joy.

Once she confirms it we automatically are in a good mood. I grab Annick giggling as I spin her, not caring of the odd looks we get.

Mrs Couret wishes us well and leaves.
"I'm so happy!" I basically scream skipping towards the gate, Annick following behind laughing.

"Goodbye, Pichon..." I hear Annick say with a nice tone as I look back.

"Oooh!! Cuties!" I teasingly jump up yelling.
Felbec, Applebaum and Pichon are shocked at Annick saying goodbye, but then focus their gaze on me jumping up and down.

"Annick lets go!! Quit flirting!" I squeal as I grab Annick walking over to where we leave our bikes.

"Haha, very funny." She says rolling her eyes at me, "Bye Enikő, see you tomorrow." She nods me farewell.

"Bye!" I chirp back as she cycles off...

Making my way through the door I decide to just think about life. I nod hello to my mother and father.

"Szia anya és apa!(Hello mum and dad!)" I smile as I walk past them going to my room.
My dad loves when I speak Hungarian, my mother, she could care less. But is still happy.

I wipe my makeup off at the mirror of my vanity. I smile. I get up and go to the shower, stepping in, the warm water greeting my skin. While scrubbing my hair I think of someone, someone I shouldn't, Joseph. Why? Just why could I not get him out of my head? I hated him, and that was final.

Annoyed I get into a nighttime slip dress, pulling on fluffy socks and swinging about the room in joy of it. How I love being a girl!! I set my Record of Brigitte Bardot songs into my record player gently. I lay back on my bed hugging a pillow as "Ne Me Laisse Pas L'Aimer" began to start up. Oh how I loved Brigitte Bardot!

Turning over I looked up out my window, seeing the sky. I loved the earth. I loved it all. My heart was full of beauty for the world, including Joseph- no. No not him! God my mind raced. Impulsive thoughts filled me as I thought of his name. I hated him, or well, I was meant to? Was I? I don't even know anymore! I'd have to take this up with Annick someday.

Tossing to my side I pull my hair out of the way, setting my alarm clock to 5:45am, no later. I prayed as I drifted off to sleep.

Oh God, how I hate himWhere stories live. Discover now