2- What the Fuck?

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I walked into Madame Giraud's class, sitting at the back. Annick came in after me, a bit later. She took a seat beside this chubby lad at the front, Pichon. Madame Giraud, turned around, proceeded to eat the head off of Annick basically.
Oh no, I thought. This old hag will not be allowed to act like that.

As I sat thinking of how weird she was to yell at Annick for sitting beside Pichon. Irritated I thought, "Blue beard? More like blue bitch."
Well so I thought. Everyone's head snapped back to me. Oh shit. I said it out loud.

Everyone looked at me shocked, a few smirking, others not even trying to hide their laughs. However, in that moment, God spared me. Mrs Giraud herself didn't hear me. She then continued some lecture on discipline.

"Damn she's got a D in her name, wish I had D in me."I said with a sigh,as a joke, turning to the person behind me thinking it was Annick.

It was not. It was Pichon. I forgot their switch was the opposite way about.
His face dropped and so did mine.

"Just kidding." I quickly say about to cry. Oh God.

Our next class then started. I tiredly sat down beside Annick. It was Latin. Actually I'm good at Latin, what do I care? Mr Douillard then said some sentence, something meaning, The Romans Cheer Horatius.
Annick raised her hand, the old man ignored her, at least we know he's not a pedo I guess? Joseph(I just learned his name!) raised his hand, he looked like a weirdo.

The teacher picked him, Joseph spoke,
"I think she has her hand up." Head pointing to Annick.

I snorted, I don't know why. But it was so funny. The teacher then turned around,
"So it seems." He comments as he chose Annick.

Annick spoke, "The romans welcome Horatius."

"The Romans 'Cheer' Horatius, conjugate verbs." The man replies, looking impressed still.

With that lunch came, I got up grabbing Annick.

"Hate the teachers already!!" I complain dragging Annick with me.

"So do I." She adds on, annoyed.

Oh yeah, forgot to say. Laubrac and Michèle already were in Bellanger's office. Turns out he's her uncle. Unlucky for everyone to know. We walk into the lunch hall and sit down, I don't get anything. I just pull out a compact mirror, playing with my hair teasing it more.

"You're so alike to Brigitte Bardot.." Simone comments as Michèle nods her head.

"Haha thanks, she's my idol. I try my best to look like Her." I say back smiling, well fake smiling.

That Joseph boy then trips Pichon, his hand landing in Annicks food.

"Ew that's disgusting." The words leave my mouth, oops.

A whole argument then erupts, Michele arguing that Joseph should give Annick his food. I just stay out of it, not trying to get caught in anything so early.
Joseph then draws boobs on his plate with sauce. What the fuck.

"Haha ew you freak, never see tits before? For they don't look like that. Daddy never give you a magazine?" I ask sarcastically.

He then argues back at me, I just ignore him. He's clearly weird. It ends with Simone snapping a sausage in half, mocking him.

Lunch was now over, I talked roughly with Michèle and Simone due to Annick going to class quickly.I hated this school already. Just as they started up a conversation about Alain Delon(I, now interested,chimed in.)

"Him? He's sexy as-" my voice cut off. Water hitting over me and Michèle. My face dropped.

Who the fuck did that? I thought slowly. I looked up, everyone's eyes on me and Michèle. Well their eyes weren't looking into ours, so.. cautiously I looked down, my face instantly morphed into horror. My white laced slip dress had gone full transparent, sticking to me. Feeling the anger rise in me I went to speak before a voice cut me off...

"Pink really is your colour, isn't it Enikő? And a matching set too!" Joseph's voice cuts through the tension laughing.

Oh that was it.

Angered and crazed I start scream yelling,
"You fucking French pig! You dirty bastard. Who the fuck do you think you are?? I hate you.I'll kill you Joseph Descamps. Mark my words."

Everyone's eyes now on me shocked, Joseph looked up, his eyes widening a bit.
Before I could get another word in, Mrs Couret rushed in, covering up Michele and me as she blocked us off.

"Simone you stay and watch over the class!" She said as she took us down the hallway.

As me and Michèle shivered walking down the hall, I looked up. Maybe I owed Joseph an apology, for that Alain Deloin look alike stared at me. Plus my underwear was literally on show, maybe he saw something he liked? The boy stands, fury in his eyes. We scuttle past him practically, well Michele did. I strutted past him. But I turned back, he strode on, angered clearly. I had a bad feeling.

Instantly I turn around, running behind him, I walk in just as he punches Joseph. Oh shit. Joseph's glasses went into his eye, God!
I ran down beside him, in that moment, after what he did, something took over me as I helped him.

"Joseph shh, it's okay. You scared yourself that's all. You're fine!" I yelled to him mother like as I pull his head onto my chest. Making sure he applied pressure to his eye.

Mr Bellanger then came in, followed by Mrs Couret(this woman didn't even notice me run off.) They grabbed Joseph leading him away, shivering I looked on. Then realised everyone looking at me. Oh yeah, I was exposed. I felt my nipples harden in the cold, I grabbed Laubrac's jacket he had left behind. Zipping it over my top half. Awkwardly I walked out, making my way to the nurse.

I had got changed now, into a black skirt with a white blouse. It was quite stylish. Class then zoomed past the rest of the day.

Waving goodbye to Annick I cycled home. As I got through the door my mother raised a brow.

"Where's your get up?" She asked, motioning to my clothes.

I explained what happened, my mother angered instantly yelled
"See! That's the French for you! Oh I'm so sorry, just wait till your father finds out." She angrily said shaking her head hugging me.

Lying in bed I looked up. I don't know why but I felt no hatred towards Joseph. I felt bad. Yeah he made everyone see my underwear, but still, he's definitely going to lose his eye. God bless, with that I prayed for him a bit, listening in on my dad complain about how he's going to Storm the school, oh just great that is!

Oh God, how I hate himWhere stories live. Discover now