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This chapter may be short and disappointing but It will start to get juicy soon!! Please just give it a chance I promise it actually gets good!!!!!The rest of the story won't be as dry as this i just needed to get a plot. Also TW HITTING AND VAPING

3rd person POV;

Y/n and her father had a HUGE fight last night.

Her dad was pissed because she let her LITTLE BROTHER out of the house to play alone on the street, knowing her mother had told her not to let him out of her sight.

Long story short her brother would have gotten hit by a car if her father hasn't yet came home.

~In the morning~

Y/n POV;

"Fck, my head hurts..! How hard did he even hit me? Jesus christ!" I cried.

"Whatever, I gotta get up and out of bed before my dad gets home and sees I just woke up.."

3rd person POV;

Y/n got up and threw on her clothes quickly knowing she was going to be late so she put her uniform on and called it a day. Quickly eating breakfast before saying bye to her mother and running out the door.

Y/n was moments from being late so she ran to the bus stop and thankfully just made it.

Y/n POV:

"Oh my god, I was so close to being late it's not even funny.. If that happens again and my dad's home, oh.. I'll definitely get the wooden spoon. No joke, those things hurt!"

I sit at the back of the bus like I normally do and I fall asleep while waiting for the bus to arrive at school.

~At school~

"Fckkkk, I'm so dead, It's almost 1st period and i haven't even gotten my books!l


(comments will be appreciated and will help develop the story I will post soon.)

291 words

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