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(I'm soo sorry. I lost my password to my account so I wasn't able to post the next chapter. Sincere apologies I'm very sorry.)

~A day or two later~

Toby POV:

These past few months, I haven't stopped thinking about her... Why can't I get her out of my head?! This is ridiculous!!

I NEED to stop..!!! I'm supposed to recruit her, not have a crush on her! 

~Hours later~

(Slenderman called toby to his office once again.)

Slenderman POV:

"Toby Rogers! It has been much more than just one week. I told you, you have ONLY ONE week. So tell me why you haven't even attempted to recruit her even after I SPECIFICALLY told you a couple days ago to recruit her!!!"

Toby looked very stressed and nervous, but I didn't care. He NEEDS to recruit her.

"Tell me!!" I scolded.

"I don't know, I just haven't gotten to that yet, hop of my back, I got it!!!" Toby exclaimed.

First off, how dare he speak to me like that?! He is in absolutely NO PLACE!! I could break all his bones if I wanted to!

"Toby Rogers!!! You will not have such attitude with me!! You are to recruit Y/n right this minute!! This is final!!" I scolded.

Toby's POV:

"FINE!!" I yelled before stepping out and slamming the door behind me.

Great, now I have to get this brat! How am I even supposed to do it?! Whatever, I'll figure it out I guess...

Y/n Pov:


~At school~

I practically sprint to the school, completely out of breath.

"God if I keep this up I'm gonna get expelled or something,"

It has been a couple hours after that and I'm currently in maths class but.... There's something in the window, and it's creeping me out!! It looks like a guy.. It scares me, He's staring right at me-! I can't even tell anyone because I know he's a killer.. He'll kill me!

He has a knife and I'm freaking out!! It's literally TICCI TOBY!! Yeah! the one that's all over the internet!!

~After school~

I'm currently walking home today because my bus is delayed, but I see him.. You know, like in the woods next to my fucking school!!

Oh god, that wasn't a knife it was a hatchet fuck!!!!

I start running nonstop. He's chasing me!

After a couple minutes i stop running and nearly collapse due to a sudden.. sickness? But anyway, before I hit the ground I got grabbed, and... that's all i remember..

433 words

TOUCH (Ticci toby x suicidal reader)Where stories live. Discover now