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Later on in the school day~

Y/n POV; (Mind)

"God.. this lesson is so boring, who needs math anyway? We can literally use a calculator!!"

I sigh and eventually lay my head on my desk slowly drifting off to sleep but the teacher, Mrs. (Name), shook my shoulder forcing me awake before saying "Me and you will speak after school.. 'This is unacceptable." And shortly after continued the lesson.

(Mind) "Oh great another sht show," "Like why does she even care?!?!"

I respond back to her "Okay Miss.."

3rd person POV;

Y/n was pretty upset about probably having detention but what if her teacher, Mrs. (Name), had told her dad??

She'd be dead meat once she went home if that was the case...

~After class~

Y/n POV;

"Ugh, now I have to stay here after school.. "

"Whatever, I still cant be late to ANOTHER class.  I don't wanna get my ass beat 10x more, so i probably should get up."

Slenderman's POV:

"Hm, this one is going to be difficult to recruit.. I should probably inform Toby he has to be the one to recruit her.. I don't think anyone else could tolerate her but him.."

~ Slenderman then teleports to the SlenderMansion and shortly after opens the door to Toby's room. ~

"Toby, you will have no choice but to recruit this girl, Y/n, being you're the only one that could tolerate her." I demanded.

Toby spoke up saying "Why can't someone else do it? I don't wanna recruit a filthy school gir-"

I cut toby off before he can finish his sentence  "You will do as you are said toby, no but's or no's." I demanded once again.

Toby spoke up again sounding defensive but upset due to not having an opinion, or an option. "But--... Whatever I'll do it.."

I sigh then speak back answering toby "Good. You have a week. If the job is by then not done, you will be severely punished."

Tobys POV;

(Mind) "Great now i have to deal with some shtty school girl, how great." I groan then respond to slenderman not wanting to upset him "Fine," I say back.

~A day later at 8pm~

Y/n POV;

"But dad, you need to understand I swear I wasn't sleeping in class I swear!!" I cry. But my father doesn't look like he cares because shortly after not responding, he smashes my head into the wall.


~A couple hours later it is currently 2am~

3rd person POV;

Y/n is crying in her room until she sees a blade... A blade..? What..? Please tell me she isn't thinking about-...

~to be continued hehe~

(Any suggestions for the next chapter would be greatly appreciated!!)

466 words

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