What is that?!

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3rd person POV;

Once toby finally reached Slenderman, he told slenderman everything.

Toby POV;

"I was just looking at the person i was supposed to recruit, Y/n, but when I got on the roof, and looked into her room through the window, she was cutting herself!! But just not any type of cutting herself, she was cutting to beans, and styro. There was blood gushing everywhere!!"

Slenderman looked shocked at my revelation and soon after replied. "She will be fine, do not worry child." Slenderman said calmly.

"B-but she will die!!!" I yelled.

Slenderman started to raise his voice saying; "You will not raise your voice at me, Tobias Rogers." Slenderman said in a stern commanding voice.

"Whatever.." I respond hesitantly.

"No, Y/n will not die, Toby. Get a grip." I got a little upset at that comment but obviously, I ignored it because I have absolutely no right to be talking back to Slenderman.

~Hours later~

Slenderman POV;

It's been a couple hours after me, and Tobias had a small discussion. It does not matter how worried he was. He is in absolutely no place to speak like that to me.

3rd person POV;

Slenderman had been watching Y/n for quite some time after Tobias' revelation, and he is making sure she didn't cut herself again.

Y/n POV;

I woke up in the middle of the night to a weird static-y noise, and being the person i am i curiously looked out my window. "What the fck is that?!" I exclaimed.

Like seriously! It was a tall.. Very tall.. Like 10 feet maybe even taller...Creature..? And his face.. Where's his face?! I panicked and grabbed my phone dialing 911, but when I ooked back out the window he wasn't there.

Maybe I was hallucinating it's not real.. Right.?

But it looked like Slenderman!! Like you know.. The creepypasta all over the news! After some time I calm down and put my phone away back in my dresser..

I'll sleep it off.. Maybe I'm just seeing things...

~in the morning~

I woke up to this weird static noise in my head and it gave me a MASSIVE headache.. "Fck... My head.." I sat up in my bed and I reach for a bottle of Advil, popping one in my mouth then laying back down. "God why does my head hurt so bad.. This is literally so random.."

~To be continued~

(I have another big chapter, and I will post it some time tomorrow! :)

420 words

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