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(So sorry VERY late chapter due to me being sick, and my brain not being able to come up with another chapter. And yes this is kind of short because I have just been really sick and it's very  hard to write. Again so sorry!!)

3rd person POV;

A couple hours later, the static noise finally subsided and Y/n's head started to feel better.

Y/n POV;

"Well I mean its been a couple hours and my head doesn't hurt anymore so i should be able to go to school i guess.."

~Continuing in the SlenderMansion~

3rd person POV;

Toby is currently sitting on the couch with the rest of the proxies, and Creepypastas until he sees the shadow of I think Slenderman? Behind him. As always, he ignored it and didn't show a care in the world.

Slenderman POV;

"Ahem, Toby, I would like to talk to you in my office right this minute." I demanded.

Toby finally answered back sounding pretty confused. "Uh, okay I guess ."

Once me, and of course, Toby arrived at my office, I sit down on my chair rubbing my temples with my fingers before I spoke up.

"Toby, it has come to my attention you have not yet even tried to recruit Y/n. Why is that?"

3rd person POV;

After toby heard what slenderman had to say, he gulped and shifted nervously in his seat, rubbing the back of his head.

"I-Um.. I don't know.. I just haven't um.. Gotten to it yet."

"Toby, this is unexceptable.! You NEED to recuit Y/n she can be a very good addition to this mansion." Slenderman snapped.

Toby once again shifted in his seat, and responded "I know, I know. I just um.. Haven't gotten to it.. But hey, I have a week... Let me be.!"

Toby started to sound a little defensive now after being called out.

"Toby.! You are in absolutely NO place to speak to me like that!!"

Toby looked more nervous as he started picking at his hand. "Okay sir.."

~To be continued~

(so sorry again for it not being long! I will try to make a new chapter making up for this crappy and short one. Yes, it will be juicy unless im still sick making this.)

380 words

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