[ SIX ]

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"Hey..." Jared whispered, grabbing my hand gently. "Everything will be okay. I promise." I looked at him in the eyes, obvious fear written inside them.  I sighed and nodded my head as Jared  smiled to me, a comfort smile. We both got out of the car, as he guided me the opposite direction of where his ex girlfriend stood with her group of friends. 

"Hey cuties." Paul cooed as he stood between Jared and I, his arms around our shoulders. "We ready for maths?" 

"Absolutely not." Jared scoffed, wiggling himself out of Paul's grip. I laughed at them both shaking my head. 

"Hey, I'll catch up with you both in class. I just need to grab a textbook from the library." I said, slowly moving out of Paul's arm, and looking directly at Jared. 

"We could come with?" Jared offered.

"No, it's okay. I have to discuss with the librarian anyway about holding a zoology book for me for next semester." I giggled shyly, noting how nerdy I probably seemed.

"Okay honey, message me when you're on your way back." Jared smiled at me, giving me a tight hug and a kiss on my temple, and a ruffle on my head by Paul. I waved to them both as I walked away and towards the library.

"Thank you, Miss Hem. I appreciate it." I called out as I walked out of the library and towards my math class, pulling out my phone to text Jared, like I promised. 


Hey Jay, on my way bac

I accidentally pressed send as my body was pushed harshly to the ground, on my butt, hands behind my body, my wrist instantly throbbing. I looked up slowly, the pain causing a few tears to form in my eyes. My eyes met with the anger filled ones of none other than Kim and her disciples.  

"Aw look, the dirty servant girl cries because she can't be like the Queen. How does her story end, Jas?" Kim fake pouted, laughing and looking over to her friend Jasmine. 

"The servant is hung for treason." Jasmine giggled as she began pressing her heeled foot onto my fingers of my already throbbing wrist. They were mocking my books...

Jared POV

"I'm telling you man, something's wrong." I whispered to Paul who sat on my left. We waited for Ads to message and when she had it was beyond... weird. Unfinished text message more like.

"She's probably sucked into a book." Paul shrugged as if it were the most normal thing in the world... I mean yeah it is, but not before class. I pretended never to know who she was, but the quiet girl who was always early to class? You do pick up on that. 

"Not before class. She's already missed first bell. And she never finishes her messages like this." I looked up as someone else had walked inside the classroom, the eyes of my ex being the ones that I met instead of my imprint. A smug smirk on her face and her knuckles a fresh crimson red. I watched as she smirked a little more as she eyed the seat I left open for Aden to sit in, shaking my head no at Kim. With a wider smirk, I watched as she popped her bag down and sat straight down, pulling out her math book, text book, pen and... a book mark. A sage green book mark that read, "Let me escape to the wonders of a book wonderland."

 "What did you do?" I demanded, turning around to face my ex girlfriend, glaring at her.

"Whatever do you mean, babe?" Kim asked looking at me with a smile, grabbing a hold of my hand, I snatched it back and place it on my knee.

"You lost that ability to call me that. Remember we broke up." I said to her bluntly. 

"Oh Jared stop acting. You know I am more than that nerd." She sassed, placing her hand on my knee. "She got what she deserved." She shrugged, not a glimpse of remorse or guilt anywhere on her features. I watched her look up and then back to me with a small smile, coming over to whisper in my ear. "You know you still love me."

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