● Gone

694 43 6

Ida sipped his coffee in silence, as he observed Akira and Nobita together.

"These prices are ridiculous"

"I know"

All three were seated in a distinguished café, they were surrounded by many individuals, but yet there was peace. It seemed people visited it specifically to get alone time to themselves. Most of these were middle-aged men and women, tired from all the files their bosses must have dumped over their shoulders.

Ida cleared his throat diverting Akira and Nobita's attention.

"So... how do you know he is being abused by his parents?"

"We weren't sure about the reason but you gave us one"

"That..his family is catholic?"

"On the time TV... we saw him being verbally abused by his parents...often... at first we just thought it was one day, but no, it was every time they interact, sometimes it was just, unreasonable" Akira continued.


"Like one time his dad shouted at him and called him a faggot for simply refusing to participate in a sports championship?"

"Unbelievable right?" Nobita intertwined.

"At first I was peculiar about it, Dekisugi was excellent at sports before, and I am sure he still is, the only reason he denied it was because he wanted some time for studying,"

"Well, some males have this false ego about themselves, that stupid masculine image they want to pass on, and maybe his father is one of them. It doesn't prove anything" Ida argued.

"One time his mother mocked him about having feminine facial features and choices"

"Okay that's where we draw the line then" Ida clenched his jaw as he placed his cup on the table.

Nobita glanced at his phone with a look of disappointment,

"No reply?" Akira asked in a comforting tone.


"Nobita?" Ida asked in a stern voice,


"Did you ever bother to talk about all of this with Dekisugi or you were just busy being Sherlock Holmes?"

"Why are blaming him?" Akira raised his voice

"It's okay Akira," Nobita said in an assuring tone, "I tried Ida, I did... but maybe not hard enough.."

"So you failed as his boyfriend then?"

"Why are you getting so worked up?" Akira scoffed.

"Why shouldn't I? He was my best friend"

"So you failed as a best friend?"

"Akira.." Nobita tapped on Akira's shoulder to calm him down.

Ida sighed, "So, what are we going to do now?"

"I don't know" Nobita stared blankly, he didn't know how to segregate his emotions, sadness, anguish, guilt, all of them crowded his head.

"How about using that 22nd CE Robot?" Ida argued.

"Yeah? For what?"

"To stop Dekisugi somehow, to make his parents forget"

"Forget what Ida?" Nobita stepped his tone up.

"I- oh Fuck off" Ida laid back on the chair.

"You want me to make his parents forget that he is not straight? You want me to make them forget that his father is promoted and they have to move to America?"

Ida sighed heavily, he had this weird burning sensation in his chest. All he wanted was to just, comfort Dekisugi, he didn't deserve any of what was happening to him. But at the same time, Nobita wasn't wrong.

"Look-" Ida lowered his voice, "I just want Dekisugi to be happy"

"Ida we can't just make his parents forget about his sexuality, it may ease things for now but, sooner or later they will find out.. again"

"Exactly, it's just a temporary solution" Akira added.

Defeated, Ida looked down as sadness came over him, his eyes were moist, he couldn't become the best friend he promised, it was all because of him, if he hadn't confronted Dekisugi, if he just had, kept quiet.

"You know what" Akira stood up, "Let's just comfort him for the time being he is here okay?"

Chained with guilt, everyone silently agreed.


"Dekisugi did you pack your fucking clothes?!"

The middle-aged woman shouted from downstairs.

Alone in the dark room, which shined dimly because of the grey moonlight, the young boy stared at the ceiling above, with tears still resting on his rosy cheeks, he heard muffled screams from downstairs.

The phone chimed with messages,

■Nobita: "Baby talk to me, please, don't do this"
■Ida: "Dekisugi, why aren't you responding? Are you okay?"

(3 missed calls from Nobita)

(5 missed calls from Ida)

"God, if I die, will it make a difference?" Dekisugi smiled as he stared at the ceiling.

"Answer me, It really won't right?"

a man shouted from outside.

Dekisugi remained motionless, his body felt numb, he wanted to just disappear somewhere, somewhere in the stars, where no one could find him, never.


Dekisugi smiled as the heavy steps descended through the stairs.



"Ooo those flowers look really beautiful" Akira complimented,

"Thanks, they're his favorite" Nobita replied in a low tone,

Ida smiled faintly, through these little gifts, they could only hope.

"Let's go then?" Akira asked.


As three young boys traced their way to Dekisugi's house, the last thing they expected was to see police cars standing in front.

"What brings the police?" Ida asked as the panic started to rise.

"I asked, what brings the fucking police!" Ida said in a low panicked voice as Nobita hurriedly approached one of the police officers.

"Excuse me, sir, why is the police here?"

"Who are you?" The police officer questioned.

"We are Dekisugi's friends, why is the police here?"

"Friends huh? Come, we need to ask some questions"


"Your friend has been missing since last night, that's why, now get in the fucking car"


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