They're Just Friends

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{y'all I meant to update an hour ago my bad I was at work.

Anyway, I'm officially back.

Life updates: I went to nyc pride last weekend. I got to try Sabrina Carpenters new ice cream. I've been playing a lot of Pokémon Go and I only have half of Wednesdays chapter written so I'm gonna go finish that now.

I love when people add this story to a reading list called "hot and spicy 🌶️ 🥵" or something along the lines of that because there is no smut in here once so ever. Truly makes me laugh every time}

"The girls get along great" I hear Collin say as I'm walking down the stairs. I quickly stop and sit down so they won't see or hear me.

"Yeah. They are best friends. I really love that" My mom says.

"Do you ever think they are too close?" He asks.

I am the first one up this morning besides them. My mom is in the kitchen right now cooking breakfast and Collin is keeping her company. Pretty typical morning here.

"How so?" My mom asks.

"Well, I always see them cuddled up on the couch together..." He starts but my mom cuts him off.

"They are just watching movies. My friends and I used to do that all the time in high school." My mom says.

"Ok but what about when they were holding hands at Disney World?"

"Again just typical teenage best friend things," My mom says.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket and start recording the conversation.

"Ok. The last one, Jessie always goes into Harper's room late at night like clockwork"

"I hear them too sometimes. All I hear is them watching TV. There is nothing wrong with watching TV at two in the morning" My mom says.

"It's a lot later than two." He says.

"Still not wrong," She says. She pauses for a moment. "I think you are just paranoid" She adds.

"How am I paranoid?" He asks.

"Jessie told you some pretty big news and you are just trying to find out who she likes. I'm sure she has a crush and I don't know who is it but I can guarantee it is not Harper" She pauses again for a moment. "Plus if my kid was gay I think I would know"

"Ok. I believe you. I don't think we should leave them alone as much as we do though. There was only one messy bed in their hotel room." 

"Harper makes her bed every morning."

"But" He starts and my mom cuts him off again.

I love hearing her stop him from talking. He talks too fucking much and it's bullshit 95% of the time. I just wish she would do it in front of me, especially at Disney.

"Enough, they are fine. I don't need to babysit my teenage daughter" She snaps at him.

"Fine, I guess I won't babysit mine either," He says calmly. "Your kid is bitter though. I wouldn't be surprised if she started messing around with my daughter just to spite me"

"That is a little much even for her," She says.

"It's clearly not. It is a foolproof plan. If they're dating then I'll have to leave." He says.

"I think she has gotten used to you all being here."

"She ignores me and if she doesn't then she is arguing with me"

"She'll come around"

I hear them kiss and I end the video on my phone. I'm going to have to crop the kissing out. Disgusting. I head back up the stairs.

I don't know why he wants to be a parent now. He lets her parent her son and then doesn't parent her. He really should have no say in who she is seeing. Someone really needs to do something so that man can't talk. I'm sick of hearing him and his opinion.

I start opening the door to my room. "Hey," Jessie says as she and Levi are leaving their room.

I turn around, "Hi," I say back.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Forgot to make my bed. I'll be down in a minute" I say.

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