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"Alright everyone come here, open page 49."

"And how will we do that?"

"Just stroke the spine of course."

Hagrid was having his first teaching experience at Hogwarts. Some found Hagrid's lesson, Care For Magical Creatures, unnecessary...  Ravenclaws and Slytherins were the most annoyed houses about the lesson itself and the idea of Hagrid teaching. However Hagrid was pretty exited to teach, he didnt want to let Dumbledore down.

The book looked funny and weird at the same time. Y/N stroked the spine of the book, so did others, except Nevile, he was in his own world.

"God, this place is going to the dogs. Wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes."

Y/N turned to face the blonde, she giggled at the blondes words. Draco noticed this, he furrowed his brows.

"Shut up Malfoy." Harry spat.

"What are you laughing at Lupin?" Draco said compleatly ignoring Harry's words. His voice came out much more annoyed than he had expected alhough he didnt want to look too bothered. 

"I find it amusing that you are such a dadas boy." Y/N said without much thought. She knew it would make Draco mad.  Her alter ego liked seeing the blond mad.

Draco raised his eyebrows at her bold statement. "What did you say?" Malfoy said stepping closer to the girl, still trying to process the her words. He was surprised. He did notice the girls change in appearance in the train, her hair was longer and her face was much more slimmer comparing to the previous year. She looked much more mature overall. Apparently her appearance wasnt the only thing that changed, her personality too. He didnt really think of her someone who would go this far in an argument. 

"Oop did I hit a nerve?"

Draco almost burst a blood vessel when her words finally sunk in. He clenched his jaw and looked directly at the girls eyes. "You can go cry to your mudblood daddy once I put you in your place Lupin." He yelled. His words were fast. Some students stepped back  afraid a fight might break out.

Y/N was taken aback by Draco's words. She wasnt used to her dad being brought up into discussions. It had only been a day since people knew her dad and Malfoy was already calling her dad a names."How dare you insult my dad Malfoy!" Y/N spat back as she grabbed him by his collar. She held up her wand to his throat.

"Oop I guess I hit a nerve, daddys girl." Malfoy mimicked her own words to her as he smirked.

Y/N was beyond furious. Nothing could stop her from beating the shit out of Malfoy if they were outside the school grounds at that moment. Y/N  loved her dad to death, she would do anyting for him considering he was the only one there her entire life. He was the only family she had left. Hermione pulled Y/N away as Harry stepped front "Shut up Malfoy."

Draco's smirk stayed on his face and he took one step forward getting closer to Harry.

"Although I do not approve what you did, that was kinda hot." 

Y/N turned to look at Hermione with a surprised manner. She smirked proudly and winked at the blonde.

"Oooh dementor dementor!" Draco yelled.

People including Harry and Y/N turned to the place he was pointing. There was nothing. Harry and Y/N turned around to face Draco again. He and his friends were making weird noises and pretending they were dementors. Hermione grabbed Harry and walked away. 

"Tatada daaa!" Hagrid revealed a bird-horse looking creature.

Ron had a face of horror. "Hagrid, What's that?" He asked.

 "This is a hippogriff. His name is Buckbeak..." 

Athough Hagrid kept on explaining the creature, Y/Ns attention wasnt directed towards the class. Dont get me wrong she loved magical creatures, she had a cute barn owl called Kokoma. She had a close relationship with her owl.. However today wasnt the day for her to socialize with them. Her mind was full. The argument-like talk with Remus, the last fight with Malfoy. 

"Well done Harry and Y/N! Come here, wait till he makes the first move."

'What' Y/N thought. She looked infront of her and saw Harry walking causiously towards Buckbeak.She felt Hermione's hand pushing her forward motioning her to go. She followed Harry, unsure how to act. 

She followed Harry's acts and Hagrid's words.

"Now bow, we will see if he bows back." 

Y/N and Harry both bowed. Buckbeak hissed at the duo. Hagrid motioned them to get back. After a few seconds Buckbeak did bow back at the duo. 

"You can pat him now." Hagrid said. The duo pat the Buckbeak. Y/N smiled at the creature . She  was relieved that she didnt mess up. As I said earlier her mind was busy-

"Now you can ride him."

"What!?" Both Harry and Y/N yelled in unison.

Hagrid first put Y/N, then Harry on the creature. "Be carefull, do not to pull his feathers." He said before slapping  Buckbeak to move.

Y/N hugged the creature like her life depended on it (It did) and Harry hugged Y/N from the back compleatly terrified.

Buckbeak streached his wings out and began flying. They both yelled in horror as the creature flew. Y/N opened her eyes to check what was going on although she was still panicking. As soon as she saw the view she became mesmerised by it. "Harold."


"Open your eyes trust me." Harry did as his friend said. He opened his mouth in awe. It was pretty. 

The duo felt the coldish wind brushing past them. Both of their hairs were flowing with the wind. "It feels awsome." Harry yelled as he eyed  young Lupins back. Her uniform was wrinkly. The Buckbeak lowered himself close to the Black lake. He touched the water with his claws making the water splash to sides.

Y/N felt Harry's hands leaving her belly. Harry streached his arms in the air. Y/N followed Harry's actions. "Wohooooo!"



Chocolates and Cherries~D.M.Where stories live. Discover now