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Y/N felt pair of arms hugging her. "Are you okay?" Remus's voice was heard.

With that Y/N broke down.  

"I- thought, I thought-"

"Shh,its okay."

That was what she needed at that moment, someone to tell her it's okay.  Remus patted his daughters back as he let her cry how much she wanted.


"Sirius Black broke into the castle?"

"Seems like it, fat ladies painting was scratched and she told us that Sirius Black was in the castle." Hermione said in a low tone. They were currently sleeping in the great hall. All the students were. 

Y/N nodded understanding. "Were were you anyway? I couldnt see you after Lupin's class." Hermionie asked.  Y/N paused for a second, she straightened, searching for any movement to see if anyone was awake. After seeing no movement, she decided she could trust Hermione, she was her best friend afterall. 

"My boggart triggered me, I needed some time to calm my mind." 

"It was something about your mother, isnt it?" Y/N smiled sadly at her best friend. "You are really intelligent Hermionie, I'm not surprised that you figured it out." 

Hermione reached out for Y/N's hand, she grabbed it in a comforting manner. "If you want to talk, I'm here." 

"Not now." Y/N said motioning the people around them. Hermionie nodded. Little did they know a certain blond was listening to their conversation. He decided not to comment on the topic, at least for now. Later the Hermione drifted into sleep, however Y/N couldnt sleep. She stared at the ceiling blankly. She  debated if she should go for a walk or not,  Sirius wasnt after her afterall. As she decided she should, Snape's voice was heard.

"No sign of Black, nor anywhere else in the castle." 

"I didn't really expect him to linger. Remarkable feat, don't you think? To enter Hogwarts Castle on one's own...completely undetected?"

Y/N closed her eyes, pretending to sleep. She started listening to Snape's and Dubledore's conversation.

 "Quite remarkable, yes."

"Any theories on how he managed it?"

"Many. Each as unlikely as the next. You may recall...prior to the start of term I expressed concerns... about your appointment of Professor Lu-"

"Not a single professor inside this castle would help Sirius Black enter it." Dumledore relpied cutting Snape's sentance.

Y/N furrowed her brows. Snape didnt want Remus at Hogwarts? But why? She had heard Snape's desire to be a DADA proffesor, perhaps that's why? She needed to have a talk with her father as soon as posible, incase Snape tries... Something...


Snape entered the classroom with quick steps, he closed the curtains preventing the sunlight beaming in. Y/N sighed to herself. Bro took the "dark" in DADA too seriously.   

"Turn to page 394."

"Excuse me, sir. Where's Professor Lupin?" Harry asked facing Snape.

"That's not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice it to say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Turn to page 394."

Y/N found the page. "Werewolves?" She said out loud. She lifted her head and her  gaze found Snape's. 

"Sir, we just learned about red caps and hinkypunks. We're not meant to start that for weeks." Hermione inturupted only to be shut down with a single "Quiet."

"Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?"

Hermionie immediately raised her hand for the question.

"No one? How disappointing." Snape said ignoring the Gryffindor.

"Please, sir. An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, he no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his best friend. The werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind." Draco imitated the sound of a werewolf as soon as Hermione finished her explanation.

Y/N clenched her fist. Snape was doing it on purpose and Draco's mocking didnt help the girls anger either.

Thank you, Mr. Malfoy. That's the second time you've spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" 

That was Y/Ns last straw. While her dad was suffering from so much pain Snape came here to tell how dangerous and how awful werewolves were. She hit her hand to the desk and stood up. "She was the only one raising her hand and you didnt choose her, you are discriminating her just because of your own personal reasons! And just because Proffesor Lupin isnt here, you  ruined his lesson preparations. I'm sure he told you where you should be teaching today, what are you trying to accomplish by teaching us about werewolves proffesor?"

"30 points from Gryffinfor, you will not talk to me like that Miss Lupin!"

"Stick page 394 up your ass." Y/N mumbled  before collecting her materials from her desk. Few people who understood what she said, gasped at the girls words. Y/N took her bag and got ready to leave.

"Two rolls of parchment on the werewolf, with emphasis on recognizing it. By monday morning, Miss Lupin!" Snape yelled before the girl stormed out of the classroom.


"He should get his psychological problems cured!" Y/N finished her long hateful speech about the days events and what she heard Snape say yesterday night.

Remus sighed. He was still resting on his bed because of the pain. "Y/N you should control your anger, that's how he is. I should have figured he would do something like this." Remus said reffering to Snape teaching about werewolves.

"I had every right to be angry dad."

"I understand sweatheart, but you should control your anger. Now you have a two parchment long essay to write."

Y/N sighed. She looked at her father. Pain was visible all over his face. Her gaze softened as she got closer to her dad to hug him.

"I'm sorry, you are in so much pain yet I'm rambling about unimportant things." 

Remus smiled at his daughters words. He hugged her back. "You should go, I dont want you missing dinner." He said before pulling away.

"Alright." Y/N replied as she stepped away. She turned her back to leave but suddenly she stopped. She turned to her dad, one last time.

"I will find a way to minimize you pain dad." With that she left.


Chocolates and Cherries~D.M.Where stories live. Discover now