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A week had passed since Win discovered Charlotte and Engfa’s relationship. The initial shock had worn off, but the atmosphere remained strained. Charlotte and Engfa navigated through their days with caution, avoiding unnecessary attention and focusing on their studies. Despite the tension, their bond grew stronger with each passing day, the shared secret solidifying their connection.

One afternoon, Engfa and Charlotte found themselves sitting under the large oak tree in the school courtyard. It was their sanctuary, a place where they could speak freely without the prying eyes of their classmates. Engfa took Charlotte’s hand, her thumb gently caressing the back of it.

"We can't keep hiding forever," Engfa said softly. "It’s exhausting, and our friends deserve to know the truth."

Charlotte sighed, leaning her head against Engfa’s shoulder. "I know. But I’m scared of how they’ll react. What if they don’t accept us?"

Engfa kissed the top of Charlotte’s head. "We can’t control their reactions, but we can control how we present ourselves. We have each other, and that’s what matters most."

Charlotte nodded, drawing strength from Engfa’s words. "You’re right. We need to do this. Let’s tell them."

They decided to gather their closest friends at a local café that evening. Charlotte and Engfa spent the rest of the school day with a mix of anticipation and nervousness, preparing themselves for the conversation ahead.

As the sun began to set, the café filled with the warm glow of evening lights. Heidi, Marima, and a few other friends were already there, chatting and sipping their drinks. Charlotte and Engfa exchanged a reassuring glance before approaching the table.

"Hey, everyone," Charlotte greeted with a nervous smile. "Thanks for coming."

The group welcomed them, oblivious to the news about to be shared. They ordered drinks, making small talk to ease their nerves. Finally, as the last of the coffee cups were placed on the table, Charlotte took a deep breath and cleared her throat.

"Guys, there’s something important we need to tell you," she began, her voice trembling slightly. Engfa squeezed her hand under the table, offering silent support.

Heidi looked concerned. "What’s going on, Charlotte?"

Charlotte glanced at Engfa, who nodded encouragingly. "Engfa and I… we’re together. As a couple."

The table fell silent, the announcement hanging in the air. Marima was the first to speak. "Wow, I didn’t see that coming. But… that’s great! I’m happy for you both."

Heidi smiled, her initial surprise giving way to warmth. "Me too. You two make a beautiful couple."

One by one, their friends voiced their support, the initial shock quickly transforming into acceptance. The tension that had been building for weeks began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of relief and joy.

Win, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up. "I’m glad you told us. It was hard at first, but I’m happy for you both. You deserve to be happy."

Charlotte felt a weight lift off her shoulders, her eyes misting with gratitude. "Thank you, Win. That means a lot."

Engfa smiled, her heart swelling with pride and love. "We appreciate all of you. Your support means everything to us."

The evening continued with laughter and stories, the group of friends growing closer than ever. As the night wore on, Charlotte and Engfa found themselves alone outside the café, the cool night air wrapping around them.

"That went better than I expected," Charlotte said, a smile playing on her lips.

Engfa nodded, pulling Charlotte into a hug. "I knew they would accept us. We’re lucky to have such amazing friends."

They walked home hand in hand, the night sky above them filled with stars. The future still held uncertainties, but they faced it with newfound confidence and the unwavering support of their friends.

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