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Engfa and Charlotte stood in the dim light of their cabin, their foreheads still touching, breathing in sync. The tension between them was palpable, a mix of confusion, desire, and unresolved emotions.

Engfa gently brushed a strand of hair from Charlotte's face, her fingers lingering on her cheek. "Charlotte, are you sure?" she asked softly, her voice filled with concern and tenderness.

Charlotte gazed into Engfa’s eyes, seeing the care and hesitation there. She nodded slowly, her heart pounding in her chest. "Yes, Engfa," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Engfa leaned in, capturing Charlotte’s lips in another kiss, this one softer, more exploratory. Her hands moved to Charlotte’s waist, pulling her closer. Charlotte responded eagerly, her hands slipping under Engfa’s shirt, feeling the warmth of her skin.

They moved towards the bed, their kisses growing more urgent. Engfa’s shirt was the first to fall to the floor, followed quickly by Charlotte’s. As they undressed each other, their movements were a mix of fumbling haste and gentle care, both wanting to savor the moment yet unable to wait any longer.

Engfa guided Charlotte onto the bed, laying her down gently. She paused for a moment, taking in the sight of Charlotte beneath her, her eyes filled with trust and desire. "You’re beautiful," Engfa murmured, her voice thick with emotion.

Charlotte reached up, pulling Engfa down to her, their bodies pressing together. "I need you," she breathed against Engfa’s lips, her hands roaming over Engfa’s back.

Their kisses deepened, and the world outside their cabin ceased to exist. Engfa’s touches were both tender and electrifying, eliciting soft gasps and moans from Charlotte. As their passion grew, they moved together in a rhythm that felt both natural and intoxicating, lost in each other completely.

"Is everything okay?" Engfa whispered, pausing for a moment to look into Charlotte's eyes, sensing her aggressiveness.

Charlotte nodded quickly, her grip tightening on Engfa. "Yes, just don’t stop," she urged, her voice raw with emotion.

Engfa continued, her touch both gentle and intense, driving Charlotte to the edge. When Charlotte finally came, she cried out, clutching Engfa tightly.

In the aftermath, Charlotte lay in Engfa’s arms, her body trembling with aftershocks. Suddenly, tears began to stream down her face. Engfa held her close, concern filling her eyes. "Charlotte, what’s wrong? Are you okay?"

Charlotte buried her face in Engfa's shoulder, her sobs muffled. "I was so jealous, Engfa," she admitted between sobs. "I saw you with Chompoo, and I felt...."

Engfa's face softened with understanding. "Oh, Charlotte, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how it made you feel."

Charlotte sniffed, still crying. "When I fell, I wished you had been there with me instead of Win. It hurt so much, Engfa, and not just my ankle."

Engfa hugged her tightly, her own eyes misting over. "I understand, Charlotte. I should have paid more attention to you. I'm so sorry."

Charlotte nodded, still crying but feeling a sense of relief. "I just... I love you so much, Engfa. I want to be with you, not feeling like this."

Engfa gently wiped away Charlotte’s tears, kissing her softly. "I love you too, Charlotte. I promise I'll be more mindful. You're the most important person to me."

They stayed like that for a long time, holding each other, the room filled with a newfound sense of peace. As they drifted off to sleep.

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