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8 years later

Life had changed in ways Engfa and Charlotte could hardly have imagined back in school. Engfa, now the CEO of a rising tech company, and Charlotte, a successful model, lived a fulfilling life together in their shared apartment.

Engfa sat at her large desk, cluttered high with papers and files, the light of her laptop flickering. It had been a hectic day, with meetings lined up one after another, and time seemed to fly by without her making much progress. Her forehead creased as she prepared for the next presentation, her mind racing with the countless tasks that still needed to be completed. The weight of responsibility pressed down on her shoulders, a constant reminder of the demands of her position.

Suddenly, she heard the clicking of high heels on the floor. The sound was rhythmic and purposeful, a sharp contrast to the chaotic thoughts in her head. Before she could react, Charlotte walked in, a bright smile on her face and a bag from Engfa's favorite restaurant in her hand. She wore a beautiful black dress that accentuated her curves and was short enough to show off her long, white and beautiful legs, which Engfa loved.

"I thought you maybe need a break," Charlotte said, her eyes twinkling mischievously. The way her hips swayed slightly as she walked towards Engfa sent a pleasant shiver down her spine.

Engfa leaned back and took a deep breath, the tension in her muscles beginning to ease. "You have no idea how much I need this," she murmured, returning Charlotte's smile. Her eyes lingered on Charlotte's dress, appreciating the way it hugged her figure perfectly.

Charlotte placed the bag on the table and began unpacking the food. The aroma of freshly prepared dishes filled the office, dispelling the accumulated tension. Engfa could feel the stress of the day melting away as the scents of their favorite meals enveloped her.

"At least I can pull you out of your work whirlwind every now and then," Charlotte teased, her voice light and playful. She handed Engfa the cutlery, her fingers brushing against Engfa's hand in a brief, intimate touch.

Engfa laughed, feeling the day's burden slowly lift from her shoulders. "You really are a lifesaver," she said, reaching for one of the fragrant dishes. The food was a welcome distraction, a small piece of normalcy in her otherwise hectic day.

Charlotte sat across from her, and they began eating together. The conversation flowed easily, their bond evident in the comfortable silence that sometimes fell between them. Engfa felt a sense of contentment that she rarely experienced during the busy workday. Charlotte had a way of grounding her, reminding her of what truly mattered.

After finishing their meal, Charlotte stood up and stepped closer to Engfa. She brushed a strand of hair from Engfa's face and then leaned down to kiss her. The touch of Charlotte's lips was soft and tender, a stark contrast to the stress and urgency that had defined Engfa's day.

It started gently, but the kiss quickly became more intense. Engfa pulled Charlotte closer, her hands roaming over Charlotte's back, feeling the soft fabric of her dress. The heat between them grew, a palpable connection that made everything else fade away.

Charlotte's hands found their way to Engfa's shoulders, gripping them firmly as the kiss deepened. Their breaths became heavier, and the space between them disappeared. Engfa's lips traveled from Charlotte's mouth to her jawline, trailing kisses down her neck. Charlotte tilted her head back, a soft moan escaping her lips, sending a thrill through Engfa.

Engfa's hands slid lower, resting on Charlotte's hips, drawing her even closer. Charlotte responded by pressing her body against Engfa's, her fingers tangling in Engfa's hair. The air around them grew warmer, charged with their shared desire. Engfa could feel the rapid beat of Charlotte's heart against her own chest.

Charlotte whispered against Engfa's ear, her voice husky with need. "We should continue this at home later." Her breath was hot against Engfa's skin, causing her heart to race even faster.

Engfa nodded, her eyes dark with longing. "Yes, we should," she replied, capturing Charlotte's lips in another passionate kiss. The taste of Charlotte's lips was intoxicating, a promise of what was to come.

As their passion intensified, Charlotte's hand slipped under Engfa's blazer, her fingers tracing the edge of Engfa's collar. She playfully tugged at the collar, teasing Engfa with a knowing smile. The intimate gesture sent a jolt of desire through Engfa, her body responding eagerly to Charlotte's touch.

"I love you," Engfa said, her voice warm and filled with genuine affection. The words felt natural, a reflection of the deep bond they shared.

"And I love you," Charlotte responded, her fingers gently caressing Engfa's cheek. Her touch was soft and reassuring, a reminder that no matter how stressful things became, they always had each other.

As they pulled away, Engfa felt a renewed sense of energy and purpose. With Charlotte by her side, she could face any challenge. The day’s stress seemed trivial compared to the strength of their love and connection.

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