Chapter 10: Let's Assume You Turned into a Human Jellyfish

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As soon as the stone owl signaled the end of the period, Harry ran out of the Defense Against Dark Arts classroom to put their plan into action. Ron and Hermione took their time stowing their textbook, quills, and wands in their bags, waiting for Harry to return. Hermione had thought of a brilliant plan to get Lockhart to sign their permission slip so that they could find the Polyjuice Potion book in the library's Restricted Section.

"You seriously need a new wand, Ron," Hermione said. The top half of Ron's wand dangled pitifully from his grasp. "You've basically been carrying around kindling all year."


Hermione looked over Ron's shoulder and saw Harry. "He's back!"

Harry walked back into the classroom. He had changed into a silver robe and put on a long, flowing silver wig. He basically looked like a younger Lockhart. He looked nervously at Ron and Hermione. Slowly walking up to Lockhart, who was locking the cage of what he claimed was an evil North American primate cryptic called a devil monkey, but in reality was just McGonagall's out-of-control gibbon, he cleared his throat.

Lockhart looked up. He looked like he was about to faint. He squealed like a preschooler and wrapped his arms around Harry. "You've found your calling, Harry!"

"I need to ask you something, Professor," Harry said quickly, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.

Lockhart wiped away a tear. "I knew I could influence you to change your image. I am such an influencer. That black hair and scar and dismal expression you always had did nothing for your celebrity image. But now, I am pleased to say you have reached celebrity level."

"Go me. Anyway, can you sign this?"

"An autograph?" Lockhart said giddily. "Why, of course, Harry. I'll sign anything as long as you promise you'll cherish it forever." He grabbed his quill and signed his name on the permission slip in silver swirls. "Do you want me to sign anything else? Maybe your chest?"

"Yes!" Hermione cried, grabbing the top of her shirt.

"That's okay," Harry said, yanking Hermione's arm. "Thanks."

"What a wonderful lad," Lockhart said, sniffling. "I wonder if I can persuade Dumbledore to sponsor a Mini Me pageant in the school?"

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Before entering the library, Harry tossed his Lockhart costume in the garbage bin. Maybe Filch would find it and spruce up his style. As soon as they got to the library, they handed the permission slip to the librarian. Madame Pince always wore a black veil over her face as if she was mourning someone. She also had a stuffed vulture on top of her black hat.

"The Restricted Section?" she whispered, digging her fingers into the piece of paper. "You dare go in there? Do you know what you'll dare to find?"

"Hopefully the right book," Harry gulped.

Pince and her vulture glared at him. "Weasley. Get the book."

Percy scurried up to her.

"What are you doing here?" Ron asked him suspiciously.

"I'm the library intern," Percy said proudly, puffing out his chest. "Unlike you, I strive to be something."

"You find books," Ron chuckled, "which literally anyone can do."

Ten minutes later, Harry was pulling a privacy curtain shut around them. Percy had given them a thick, sticky book called Potions That Pop. Hermione immediately opened it and found the instructions for the Polyjuice Potion. Judging by her face, she did not like what she saw.

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