Chapter 14: Are You Showing Harry That Book That Bludgeoned Him?

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As Goyle's perfect vision began to blur into his normal blurriness, Harry slammed the bathroom door shut. "We made it!" He grabbed his glasses off the floor just as his eyesight failed him. He peered through his glasses into the mirror and saw his messy black hair, emerald-green eyes, and the lopsided scar. He breathed with relief, leaning against the sink. "Do you think Malfoy knew who we were?"

"I don't think so unless Hermione gave us away," Ron said, touching his red hair.

"Hermione, are you okay?"

Hermione looked up. She didn't look like Millicent anymore but still had the cat whiskers and cat ears. "I think something's wrong. They're not disappearing, and it's been over 20 minutes. What am I going to do?"

"I guess you're stuck like that forever," Ron laughed. "I doubt anyone will notice."

"That was a total waste of time," Harry said, pulling Goyle's clothes off. "We found out Malfoy's not the heir, but he knows nothing. Now we're right back to where we started. Who the heck is the heir?"

"Are you sure it's not you?" Ron asked.


The bathroom door opened. The three spun around and gaped at Lavender. She just stared back and shrugged. "What? I have to use the bathroom."

"Uh, this is the forbidden corridor," Hermione stammered.

"Yeah, right." Lavender walked over to a stall. Before opening the door, she froze. She suddenly spun around and screamed, "Boys! In the girl's lavatory!"

"Shut up, Lavender!" Hermione screamed back. "Lavender's lavatory!"

"We won't look," Harry said, looking away.

Hermione saw him looking at Lavender in the mirror. "Harry, stop looking!"

Lavender waved her hand. "It's okay. I didn't pull my drawers down yet." She waved her fingers at Harry and shut the stall door. "Wow. This porcelain bowl is quite reflective."

"So what should I do about my, uh, situation?" Hermione asked, tugging on her cat ears.

The bathroom door opened for a second time. The three spun around and gaped at McGonagall. She froze in the doorway and stared back suspiciously. "Excuse me, children. I thought this was faculty only? Uh, Mr. Potter? Mr. Weasley?"

"We're girls," Harry said in a high-pitched voice.

"I wouldn't be surprised," McGonagall muttered.

"Kill... kill..."

Harry froze. He hadn't heard that hissing voice in a while. It sounded uncomfortably close. "Guys, I hear that voice again... saying it's going to kill."

"Being in the girl's lavatory will only kill your reputation, Potter," McGonagall said.

A loud splash came from Lavender's stall, followed by a startled scream. Something hit the inside of the stall door. Then Lavender's crumpled body fell out from underneath it. Her eyes were glassy, and she had a look of frozen shock on her face. Luckily, she hadn't pulled her drawers down yet.

"Was the monster just here?" Hermione yelped. "Hide me! I'm a Mudblood!"

"Ms. Brown, pick yourself up," McGonagall sighed. "Seriously, what this girl doesn't do for attention. I wouldn't be surprised if she stole Sprout's mandrake."

"She's been petrified, Mickey G!" Harry hollered wildly.

"Ooh, I rather like that nickname. Wait a Muggle minute." McGonagall's mouth fell open. "You again!" She picked up a bar of soap and threw it at Harry. "You attacked another student! I thought sending you to Dumbledore would put a stop to this... unless Dumbledore is the mastermind behind these attacks and tells you which student to attack! Conspiracy!"

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