Morning Rush (1)

18 2 7

*Skye's Pov*

RINGGGGGGGGGG! The alarm blared through the house. The girl, jolted from her peaceful slumber, groaned in frustrations. With a dramatic fling of her arm, she blindly swatted at the nightstand, aiming for the alarm clock. But her sleepy effort missed the button, and the obnoxious noise continued.

In a fit of rage, she grabbed the alarm and throw it very hard against the wall for the hundredth time this month.

Silence... finally, but now she's fully awake, staring at the ceiling, "Damn.." she muttered, rubbing her eyes and resigning herself to the morning.

The maids must be confused as to why their young master's room always needed an alarm to be replaced..

She groaned while checking the time: 3:45 a.m. "Fuck..." she muttered, immediately getting out of bed. She hit the shower, the cold water jolting her fully awake, and began preparing for her early morning training session.


"Ah! Good morning, Skye," said her coach cheerfully.

"Mornin', coach," she replied, stifling a yawn.

"Already yawning? Well, after I give you today's instructions, you'll be wide awake," he mocked playfully.

"Yeah, yeah... So what are we doing today?"

The coach outlined the day's training regimen. As he spoke, Skye's tiredness began to fade, replaced by a surge of energy and determination. She was ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead.

It was now 5:50 a.m.. The coach decided to end the training session early so Skye could get ready for school. Poor Skye had to train intensely in the early hours and then head straight to her classes.

But she was okay with it; she chose this rigorous schedule. After all, she was the school's pride: Skye, the national women's Muay Thai athlete. Her dedication and hard work were a source of inspiration for everyone around her.


*Moe's Pov*


Ringgggg! A girl stopped the alarm that had almost given up on her, its ring weakened from age. She slowly woke up and checked the time: 6:30 a.m. She lay her head back on the pillow, savoring a few more moments of rest.

Wait a second.., 6:30 a.m.?!?!

She immediately opened her eyes and screamed in urgency, "FUCK, I'M GONNA BE LATE!"

She rushed to the bathroom and took the world most quickest shower ever, practically leaping out of the bathroom as she hurried to get dressed.

She had definitely missed the bus, she dashed out of the house and started running to school. It wasn't that far, but taking the bus was much quicker and saved her energy. Today, she'd have to make do with a sprint.

She arrived at school just in time, barely managing to beat the final bell. Out of breath, she was relieved to realize she wasn't late. And that's what mattered.

If only her father had woken her up, she would have gotten to school early. But her father had already left for work, as usual.. He was a busy policeman, always heading out before dawn to serve and protect.

But she doubted that. Her relationship with her father was not the best, there was a distance between them after what had happened.


After a few hours at school, during recess, she received a text from her father:

"Hey Moe, I'm gonna be late tonight too. So don't wait for me. If you're hungry, there's food in the fridge. You can heat it up."

"Okay, Dad," she replied quietly. The familiar feelings of disappointment settled in.

After that, she decided to scroll through Instagram and check out the profile of the love of her life, Skye. Not in a creepy way, of course, but she couldn't help herself. As she scrolled through Skye's pictures, her heart skipped a beat.

"AHHHHHH WHY IS SHE SO CUTE..! somebody help me, my heart can't take it," Moe exclaimed silently to herself.

Caught up in her admiration, Moe accidentally double-tapped and liked one of Skye's older photos.


she panicked internally. It was like an unspoken rule when you have a crush on someone: don't like anything they post, especially not something from ages ago. She quickly unliked the photo and hoped that Skye wouldn't notice.

Hoping and praying that Skye wouldn't notice, Moe closed Instagram with a sigh. "Ugh, I better go hit the books,"

trying to distract her mind from the accidental like. She focused on her studies, determined to keep her mind off Skye until the day was over.


*Skye's Pov*

The group was deep into a juicy gossip session, and Skye was focused on the conversation. Her phone buzzed with a notification. She checked it briefly,

"Instagram: mmoee_01 liked your post."

Skye glanced at it and then returned her attention to the gossip, not dwelling on the notification.

And so the school hours passed by, filled with lessons, chatter among classmates, and the usual routines of a typical day..


P.s : heyy gayss thanks for reading my story!! And I'm sorry if the opening is short T_T

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