Accepting Feelings (9)

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It's the morning of the camping trip, and students are lined up, eagerly waiting to board the bus in front of their school.

Skye's POV

She felt awful for ignoring Moe, but what could she do? Every time Moe tried to bring up what happened... the kiss... Skye would immediately shake her head, pushing the memory away.

"Ugh, this is killing me," she whispered to herself.

"Not only do I feel guilty for cutting Moe off, but this awkwardness between us is unbearable. I hate it." She lowered her head, lost in thought, wondering what could be done.


The bus ride to the campsite was lively. All the students were buzzing with excitement—singing, making TikToks, gossiping (of course), or even dozing off. But Skye? She just stared out the window, her mind blank.

Moe's POV

She and Skye were separated—not only had she managed to avoid sitting with Skye, or even in the same row, but she’d also ended up on a different bus altogether.

Thanks to her impeccable skill of arriving late to school. Some luck, huh?

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," she muttered, lightly banging her head against the headrest in front of her.

"Great... just a perfect start," she groaned, continuing to bonk her head, cursing herself for trusting her old, unreliable clock.


They finally arrived at the campsite. After unloading, everyone grabbed their tents. Each tent could fit three people, so the teacher advised them to form groups of three.

Skye had already chosen Cake as her "roommate," but she hesitated when it came to picking a third person. Should she choose Moe or someone else?

Before Skye could decide, Cake called out to Moe, inviting her to join their group, leaving Skye with no chance to object.

"Glad you hadn't been picked yet," Cake said, tapping Moe on the shoulder.

"Yup, me too," Moe replied with a sarcastic thumbs-up.

"As if anyone would even pick me." she thought bitterly.

Skye glanced over at Moe, trying to start a conversation, but the moment Moe made eye contact, Skye quickly looked away, her courage fading.

Cake sensed the tension between them and was about to mention it, but the teacher interrupted.

"Alright, students! If you're already in a group, please choose a spot to set up your tent. Instructions will be given soon. For now, you can rest."

Without further ado, Skye signaled for them to get moving.

In the tent

Once they settled in, Skye mentioned she was heading to the toilet and quickly left the two of them alone.

"So... what's going on with you two?" Cake asked Moe, figuring it was the perfect time to bring it up.

"What? Oh, nothing's wrong," Moe replied calmly, trying to dodge the question.

"You sure? Because it feels like you two are fighti—"

"Cake, there's nothing going on. Okay?" Moe cut her off, hoping to end the conversation.

Just seconds after the conversation ended, Skye returned from the toilet, informing them that the teacher was calling everyone for their next activity.


After finishing their challenging activities, everyone washed up and took a short break before heading to the cafeteria for dinner.

While Moe was washing up, Cake and Skye found themselves alone together—finally giving Skye the chance to get something off her chest.

"Cake, I need to tell you something." Cake nodded, ready to listen with an open heart.

"It's about me and... Moe," Skye hesitated before deciding to share the whole story. She took a deep breath.

"Remember the first time Moe hung out with us at my house? Well... when we were all drunk, I don't remember exactly how it happened, but... all I remember is... we kissed." Skye lowered her head, feeling a bit ashamed to admit it.

Cake placed a comforting hand on Skye's back, offering her silent support.

"I know I’ve said I don’t believe in love, and I still stand by that. But something about her... it makes me feel like I’ve been born again, like I want to experience love again," Skye confessed, finally letting out everything she’d been keeping to herself.

Without realizing it, a small smile crept onto her face just from thinking about Moe.

As she listened, Cake couldn’t help but chime in.

"Don’t believe in love, huh? But from what I’m hearing, you’re in love, Skye."

Skye looked at Cake, trying to make sense of her complicated feelings.

"Sometimes, even after your heart’s been broken, it’s worth taking the risk to open up again. The greatest risk can lead to the most beautiful reward if you find someone who truly deserves it."

After hearing Cake’s words, Skye finally allowed herself to accept her feelings fully. She couldn’t thank Cake enough, though she was surprised by how inspirational Cake's words were.

"Thanks, Cake. Damn, that was beautiful. Who are you?" Skye asked playfully, and Cake laughed, admitting that even she wasn’t sure where those words came from.

"So, are you going to confront her now? I know your parents didn’t raise no bitch," Cake said sarcastically.

Skye laughed. "Haha, maybe I will tonight. Wish me luck, girl."


P.s  the next chapter are going to have smut ;)

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