Oh My God (2)

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Moe's Flashback

"Hmmm, where do you think princess is hiding, honey?" Moe's mom asked playfully.

"Maybe she's under the table?" her husband replied, lifting up the tablecloth and pretending to sigh. "Aw dang it, the princess is not here."

Meanwhile, Little Moe was giggling quietly from her hiding spot, convinced she had found the best place to hide.

Moe's mom heard a faint giggle coming from under the big pillow fort. Little Moe had buried herself in the fort, not caring about comfort-only about winning.

Pretending to give up, Moe's mom pointed subtly at the pillow fort to her husband. "Well, she's done it this time. We can't possibly find the princess," she said dramatically.

The thought of winning filled Little Moe's mind, but suddenly, she felt herself being gently dragged out from the pillow fort by her dad. Even though she didn't win, she smiled joyfully at her parents who had just found her. "Hahahahaha, you found me!" she exclaimed, giggles and laughter echoing through the room.

"Yayyyy, we found the princess!" her mom exclaimed happily.

"So, princess, what do you want to do now?" her dad asked with a smile.

"Hmmm, cuddles!" Little Moe declared.

The family gathered together in a big, warm hug, their laughter and love filling the room.

End of flashback...

"Ha... Hahaha..." Moe giggled at the dream, talking in her sleep. But then she came to realize where she was and opened her eyes. Silence. Darkness. No warmth or happiness was even close to what she once had in the house she used to call a safe place or sweet home. None.

Reality hit hard on her. A tear fell down her cheek. She sighed, "Ugh, those dreams again..." She swiped her tears away and immediately checked the time. 5:25 a.m. Well, time to get ready for school.

Before she hit the shower, she checked her father's room. As expected, no one was inside. Her father had gone to work early... again. She shrugged it off, having gotten used to it by now, and took her mind off the dreams with a refreshing shower.


Her breakfast was leftovers from yesterday. The fridge was about to be empty soon. Moe realized that her father had forgotten to buy household items again. How many times this month?

She took out a sticky note and wrote, "The food is almost empty, Dad. Don't forget to buy it," and stuck it to the fridge. She also messaged her dad about it but decided to leave the note as well since her father was forgetful sometimes. It didn't hurt to do things twice.

She checked the time again: 6:10 a.m. Perfect, the bus would arrive soon. She locked the doors and immediately headed to the bus stop, determined to start her day on a good note despite the rough morning.

On the bus ride to school, Moe thought, "It would be perfect if I bump into Skye today." She began imagining all the impossible scenarios with Skye,

talking to her, holding her hand, taking her on a date, kiss-OK, stop, that's enough, It's as if an angel burst open her imaginary bubble. Her daydreaming was abruptly cut short as the bus arrived at school. Dammit, I'm not done yet, she sighed.

As she walked out of the bus, Moe noticed a familiar car driving up to the front of the school. "Damn, that's a really nice car," she thought to herself. When she decided to continue walking into the school, she abruptly stopped in her tracks as realization hit her.

"Wait a goddamn minute..." She turned her head so fast it almost cracked.

"That's Skye's car!" Moe exclaimed silently in her head.

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